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January 31, 2005
Premier Gordon Campbell joined children from Harold Bishop Elementary in Surrey to read A Pacific Alphabet, the book provided to every B.C. kindergarten student, prior to announcing that the Province will increase funding for B.C. schools in 2005-06 by $150 million.

Premier Gordon Campbell joined children from Harold Bishop Elementary in Surrey to read A Pacific Alphabet, the book provided to every B.C. kindergarten student, prior to announcing that the Province will increase funding for B.C. schools in 2005-06 by $150 million.

January 2005 Photos
2005-01-31 - Premier Gordon Campbell joined children from Harold Bishop Elementary in Surrey to read A Pacific Alphabet, the book provided to every B.C. kindergarten student, prior to announcing that the Province will increase funding for B.C. schools in 2005-06 by $150 million.
2005-01-26 - Premier Gordon Campbell presents a plaque to Stephen Venn of Duncan, who is the 30,000th person to find a job in B.C. with the assistance of the JobWave program.
2005-01-22 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Advanced Education Minister Ida Chong recognize the recipients of the 2004 Premier's Excellence Awards, each of whom receive a medal and a $5,000 scholarship to study at a B.C. university or college.
2005-01-21 - Premier Gordon Campbell joined Truck Loggers Association president Mike Hamilton at the TLA convention, where he announced the Province intends to increase the Forestry Revitalization Trust Fund by $50 million.
2005-01-15 - Premier Gordon Campbell welcomed competitors to the Snowboarding World Championships in Whistler, the home of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. It was the first time the event has ever been held outside Europe.
2005-01-12 - Premier Gordon Campbell officially welcomed the first class of new medical students to the University of Northern B.C. with a demonstration of the advanced networking technology that allows them to connect to their counterparts at the University of B.C. and the University of Victoria.