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April 28, 2006
Premier Gordon Campbell and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, along with members of the B.C. and Alberta cabinets, met in Edmonton to discuss opportunities for co-operation on  economic, education, park management and energy issues.

Premier Gordon Campbell and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, along with members of the B.C. and Alberta cabinets, met in Edmonton to discuss opportunities for co-operation on economic, education, park management and energy issues.

April 2006 Photos
2006-04-28 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, along with members of the B.C. and Alberta cabinets, met in Edmonton to discuss opportunities for co-operation on  economic, education, park management and energy issues.
2006-04-28 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein signed a new agreement eliminating trade barriers between B.C. and Alberta at a joint Cabinet meeting in Edmonton.
2006-04-20 - Premier Gordon Campbell visited the community of Hartley Bay to thank the residents for their efforts to help the crew and passengers of the Queen of the North and he presented the town with the first ever B.C. Award for Achievement by a Community.
2006-04-18 - Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by (l to r) Richard Vogel, Dr. Patrick McGeer and Dr. Charles Brumwell at UBC to announce the Province will provide $15 million to the Pacific Alzheimer Research Foundation to support research into improved treatments and a potential cure for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
2006-04-13 - Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by Rick Hansen and Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan to announce $15 million in funding to the Rick Hansen Man In Motion Foundation to mark the 20th anniversary of Hansen's Man In Motion World Tour to raise funding and awareness for people living with spinal cord injury.
2006-04-10 - Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by Jaxson Creasey and his mom Jesse to announce the Province is providing $3.5 million in funding to the Canuck Place Children's Hospice, which provides support and services for children with life-limiting illnesses and their families from across B.C.
2006-04-04 - Premier Gordon Campbell announced that the B.C. Spirit Bear will be the province's new official mammal emblem as he unveiled a new Spirit Bear display at the Royal B.C. Museum in Victoria.