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April 24, 2007
Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, Camosun College graduate Sarah Dickie and Chief Shawn Atleo of the Assembly of First Nations to announce B.C.'s new $65-million Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Strategy.

Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, Camosun College graduate Sarah Dickie and Chief Shawn Atleo of the Assembly of First Nations to announce B.C.'s new $65-million Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Strategy.

April 2007 Photos
2007-04-24 - Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, Camosun College graduate Sarah Dickie and Chief Shawn Atleo of the Assembly of First Nations to announce B.C.'s new $65-million Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education Strategy.
2007-04-20 - Premier Gordon Campbell was on hand to open the new Kwantlen University College Trades and Technology Centre in Cloverdale.
2007-04-20 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Economic Development Minister Colin Hansen met with a delegation of Ambassadors and other international representatives to Ottawa to discuss B.C.'s role as Canada's Pacific Gateway.
2007-04-20 - Premier Gordon Campbell joined community partners to open the new $10.9-million Phoenix Centre in Surrey.
2007-04-20 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Minister Responsible for Housing Rich Coleman joined community leaders to cut the ribbon officially opening the Phoenix Centre, a first-of-its-kind facility providing transition housing and addiction services in Surrey.
2007-04-19 - Premier Gordon Campbell presented author Noah Richler with the 2007 B.C. Award for Canadian Non-Fiction for his critically acclaimed book This is My Country, What's Yours?
2007-04-17 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations John van Dongen (far right) met with ambassadors and representatives from countries in the Association of South East Asian Nations to discuss opportunities to strengthen trade and investment between B.C. and ASEAN members.
2007-04-17 - Premier Campbell and the Lieutenant Governor Host B.C. Consular Corps.
2007-04-17 - Premier Gordon Campbell joined representatives of the Blueberry River First Nations for a ceremony at the legislature celebrating four new resource agreements that will ensure the BRFN are engaged in resource development in B.C.'s northeast.
2007-04-17 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Blueberry River First Nations Chief Norman Yahey celebrated four agreements that will bring increased certainty for resource industries in the northeast at a ceremony in the legislature.
2007-04-16 - Premier Gordon Campbell welcomed more than 60 Holocaust survivors to the Legislature for a ceremony marking Holocaust Memorial Day in B.C.
2007-04-15 - Premier Gordon Campbell spoke at the start of the 23rd annual Vancouver Sun Run, Canada's largest 10K run.
2007-04-13 - Premier Gordon Campbell and Minister of State for Child Care Linda Reid joined members of B.C.'s Sikh community to celebrate Vaisakhi in Vancouver.
2007-04-12 - Premier Gordon Campbell addressed the annual conference of the Council of Forest Industries in Prince George, where he announced $11.5 million in funding to support forestry development and marketing.
2007-04-11 - Premier Gordon Campbell was joined by VANOC CEO John Furlong to unveil the new B.C. licence plate celebrating the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
2007-04-10 - Premier Gordon Campbell announces $9.5 million in funding to advance First Nations health at the First Nations Health Forum in Vancouver.
2007-04-07 - Premier Gordon Campbell (front centre) and Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon joined workers on the Canada Line project to celebrate as the massive tunnel boring machine broke through to complete the first of two tunnels for the Canada Line in downtown Vancouver.
2007-04-07 - Premier Campbell celebrated in Surrey as part of B.C.'s Vaisakhi festivities, which are among the largest celebrations of the Sikh holiday outside of India.
2007-04-01 - Premier Gordon Campbell joined community leaders in Surrey for the celebration of Vaisakhi.
2007-04-03 - Premier Gordon Campbell was the keynote speaker at the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance Summit in Nanaimo, where he announced $150,000 in funding to support the Alliance's efforts to foster business investment and continued job creation in Vancouver Island communities.