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June 18, 2007
On June 18, Premier Campbell received the Asia Pacific Trade Council's fourth report from members of the council and of the Korea Market Advisory Group, which prepared the report. It highlights the opportunity to drive further exports to Asia through South Korea, which is already an important trade and investment partner, and urges the Province to take a proactive leadership role in relations with South Korea.

On June 18, Premier Campbell received the Asia Pacific Trade Council's fourth report from members of the council and of the Korea Market Advisory Group, which prepared the report. It highlights the opportunity to drive further exports to Asia through South Korea, which is already an important trade and investment partner, and urges the Province to take a proactive leadership role in relations with South Korea.

June 2007 Photos
2007-06-18 - On June 18, Premier Campbell received the Asia Pacific Trade Council's fourth report from members of the council and of the Korea Market Advisory Group, which prepared the report. It highlights the opportunity to drive further exports to Asia through South Korea, which is already an important trade and investment partner, and urges the Province to take a proactive leadership role in relations with South Korea.
2007-06-18 - Premier Campbell shares a laugh with Grade 1 student Robert who helped the Premier take part in an interactive PowerSmart quiz at the Vancouver Board of Trade conference, A Climate for Change: A Smaller Footprint, A Healthier Planet. The Premier also delivered the keynote address to delegates.
2007-06-13 - After presenting Vancouver author Linda Bailey and Ontario illustrator Bill Slavin with B.C.'s first-ever Time to Read book award for early literacy, Premier Campbell read from their book, Stanley's Party, to students at Vancouver's Queen Mary elementary school.
2007-06-13 - WelcomeBC, unveiled by Premier Gordon Campbell and Attorney General Wally Oppal June 13, will help immigrants moving to British Columbia to adapt to life in their new communities. Premier Campbell (second from left), seen here with Oppal (far right), Minister responsible for Multiculturalism, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. chief executive officer Tung Chan and Brenda Lohrenz of ELSA Net, announced $43 million over two years to expand immigration and settlement services. Planning for an additional $28.5 million in services over the next two years is also underway.
2007-06-12 - B.C. graduate students were on hand as Premier Gordon Campbell announced the province's first-ever graduate scholarship program at UBC on June 12. From left: Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell; David Flanders, who recently completed his master's thesis in Landscape Architecture at UBC; and Premier Campbell.
2007-06-12 - On June 12, Premier Gordon Campbell announced B.C. will fund 1,000 scholarships worth $10,000 each to draw research stars from around the world, furthering world-class research and related jobs and investment in B.C
2007-06-11 - Premier Gordon Campbell was among signatories to Canada's first-ever Tripartite First Nations Health Plan, with the goal of improving the health and well-being of First Nations in British Columbia. Ceremony participants included (back row, l-r) First Nations Leadership Council members Dave Porter (First Nations Summit Executive); Chief Councillor Judith Sayers (First Nations Summit Executive); Chief Robert Shintah (Vice President Union of BC Indian Chiefs); Chief Lynda Price (Union of BC Indian Chiefs Executive); and B.C. Health Minister George Abbott; (front row, l-r) federal Health Minister Tony Clement; Ed John (Grand Chief, First Nations Summit Executive); Premier Campbell; and Shawn Atleo (B.C. Regional Chief, Assembly of First Nations).
2007-06-08 - On June 8 in Seattle, Premier Gordon Campbell and Washington Governor Chris Gregoire announced an agreement that sets out joint action on climate change and Pacific Ocean conservation, further strengthening collaboration between their jurisdictions.
2007-06-08 - Washington Governor Chris Gregoire and Premier Gordon Campbell display the June 8 agreement that sets out joint action on climate change and Pacific Ocean conservation.
2007-06-08 - Following the second annual B.C.-Washington summit between Premier Gordon Campbell (seated, left),Governor Chris Gregoire (seated, right), and their respective cabinet ministers and directors, the Premier and Governor signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Pacific Coast Collaboration to Protect Our Shared Climate and Ocean.