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Between February and April 2004, the Premier's Technology Council visited ten cities across the province to hear about technology related matters. Download the Summaries for each consultation on the right side of this page.

The PTC received 140 presentations and consulted with 245 people from local industry, community groups, as well as health and education facilities.  Council members were extremely impressed by the quality of the presentations and creativity of proposed solutions.

Although the PTC intended to focus on the key themes of e-health and e-learning applications, local high-tech industry development and the digital divide, participants chose to articulate their own priorities.  In the regions the digital divide was the primary focus, while in the Lower Mainland and Victoria, capital and investment were frequently raised.

In posting these summaries, the PTC encourages dialogue within and between communities.  This dialogue will foster collaborative effort which is essential to attaining stakeholders' objectives.

The Council would like to thank the following for their support in organizing the events:

City Organization
Cranbrook Kootenay Association for Science and Technology
Nanaimo Mid-Island Science, Technology & Innovation Council
Nelson Kootenay Association for Science and Technology
Kelowna Okanagan Science & Technology Council
Kamloops Interior Science Innovation Council
Terrace IRAP-ITA
Prince George Innovation Resource Centre
Fort St John Sci-Tech North
Surrey Surrey Chamber of Commerce
Victoria Vancouver Island Advanced Technology Centre