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Inland Fisheries Division

Mission Statement

It is the policy of Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture to protect, conserve, and enhance the quality and diversity of the fishery resources of this province and to provide continued and varied angling opportunity through resource assessment and classification, enhancement, and management of that resource.


The Division is partitioned into four sections in order to effectively carry out these policy objectives: Administration, Fisheries Management, Enhancement, and Promotion and Development. While the activities of each section necessarily overlap for the delivery of certain programs, the functions of these sections are chiefly as follows:

Administration: The Administration section provides leadership for the entire division under the Director of Inland Fisheries and is responsible for such items as human resources, budgeting, business planning and accountability . The Administration Section coordinates the activities of the Nova Scotia Sportfish Habitat Fund Committee. In addition, the Director provides representation for the Province at national and international organizations such as the North American Salmon Conservation Organization and the Canadian Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ministers.

Fisheries Management: The Management section is responsible for the management and regulation of freshwater sport fishery in the Province. Responsibilities include fish population monitoring and habitat evaluation, the development and implementation of angling regulations, and consultation of clients through participation in the Recreational Fisheries Advisory Councils.

Enhancement: The Province operates two fish hatcheries which support the management of coldwater sport fish by rearing and distributing over 2 million trout and salmon annually. The Enhancement section also serves an educational role by hosting public tours and cooperates with various colleges and universities in support of fish health, husbandry and genetic research.

Promotion and Development: The Promotion and Development section coordinates many promotional programs designed to increase angling participation and market sportfishing to residents and tourists alike. This section is also responsible for coordinating the Nova Scotia Sportfish Habitat Fund projects, and managing the Atlantic Salmon Enhancement program.

To achieve the policy objectives outlined in the mission statement, the Division will:

  1. Broaden the current data base on the quality and quantity of the fishery resources of the Province for effective resource management.
  2. Establish consistent standards to classify waters by the dominant habitat type and species on a province-wide basis.
  3. Manage self-sustaining fish populations as a renewable natural resource.
  4. Use hatchery fish to provide recreation in those waters where fish populations are inadequate to sustain the fishery at desired levels.
  5. Develop appropriate regulations and operational strategies to support management decisions.
  6. Engage community groups and individuals to participate in fisheries management by attending Recreational Fisheries Advisory Council meetings.
  7. Assist sport fishing organizations to undertake projects to improve fish habitat and angling access through the Nova Scotia Sportfish Habitat Fund.
  8. Conduct cooperative applied research initiatives with community groups, other government departments and universities to address issues related to exploitation, habitat loss, and restoration/enhancement.
  9. Promote and market the sport fishery to maintain or increase current levels of participation and value of the resource.

Nova Scotia's sport fishery provides opportunities for anglers throughout every season of the year. Management of the recreational fishery is partially supported through a user-pay system from angling license sales. Five dollars from each general or Atlantic salmon licence sold is directed to support the programs of the Inland Fisheries Division.

The Canada - Nova Scotia Memorandum of Understanding on Recreational Fisheries underscores the responsibilities of the Nova Scotia Government in managing the Provinces' fresh water fisheries resource. Through this agreement the Province of Nova Scotia is responsible for freshwater species such as the four trout species, smallmouth bass, white perch, yellow perch, chain pickerel, and landlocked Atlantic salmon, while the federal government manages diadromous species such as smelt, eel, sea run Atlantic salmon, and shad.

The Canada - Nova Scotia Memorandum of Understanding on Fish Habitat Management outlines the dual role the Province of Nova Scotia and the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans have in the conservation, protection and enhancement of freshwater fish habitat.

Public involvement in the management of the recreational fishery is provided through a well established network of regional and provincial forums. The general public and members of non-government organizations are encouraged to participate in the Divisions' public advisory process. In order to ensure equal representation, Nova Scotia has been divided into six management zones called Recreational Fishery Management Areas. Meetings of the Recreational Fishery Area Council (RFAC) occur on a biannual basis during spring and fall in each management area. Inland Fisheries and other government staff provide an overview of activities and issues related to the recreational fishery, providing a forum for public discussion regarding issues of regional concern.

In addition to regional representation of the six Recreational Fishing Advisory Councils, the Inland Fisheries Advisory Committee (IFAC) is made up of representatives from angling organizations that are provincial in scope. The Inland Fisheries Advisory Committee includes representation from the Canadian Association of Smallmouth Anglers, Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Nova Scotia Salmon Association and Trout Nova Scotia.

  Last Update: May 1, 2007