Symbol of the government of Quebec

National Farm Stewardship Program

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Last Verified: 2006-09-25

The National Farm Stewardship Program provides financial and technical assistance to encourage producers to adopt beneficial management practices (BMPs) to address environmental risks identified in the Environmental Farm Plan process.

Once producers have an Environmental Farm Plan or an Equivalent Agri-Environmental Plan, they are eligible to apply for incentives to assist with implementing BMPs identified on their action plan.

Eligibility Criteria

All agricultural producers who have achieved an Environmental Farm Plan or its equivalent.

Eligible Activities

Implementation of beneficial management practices (BMPs) identified during the Environmental Farm Planning process.



The overall objective of the National Farm Stewardship Program (NFSP) is accelerated adoption of beneficial management practices (BMPs) on Canadian farms and agricultural landscapes.

This outcome will be achieved through the provision of cost-shared incentives to producers for the implementation of BMPs that address on farm risk and where identified in producers farm plans.

Expected results

The NFSP will support the implementation of environmental farm plans and support the adoption of environmental BMPs by agricultural producers in the management of land, water, air and biodiversity. NFSP will:

  • increase the number of BMPs adopted by agricultural producers; and
  • increase the level of knowledge about BMPs by agricultural producers.

Both farm practices and environmental risks vary greatly across Canada. What might be an important and valuable BMP in one part of the country may be of much lower priority in another region. The NFSP is a joint effort between every province and the federal government and will provide the provinces with the flexibility required to provide support for BMPs that address the issues of greatest concern.


In some provinces, delivery will be through a third party, while in other cases, provinces will deliver on behalf of AAFC. In the Prairie Provinces, AAFC will be responsible for administering and delivering incentive funds. Some variation will exist between delivery of EFP and BMP programming within individual provinces. Please see the Web site for details.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Acting Manager
Stewardship Coordination Division
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
303 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 3G7
Telephone: (204) 984-3695
Web site: