Symbol of the government of Quebec

Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing (SAM)

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2006-07-10

Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing (SAM) is a Web site focused on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT). The site profiles:

  • Canadian advanced manufacturing technologies;
  • the supply capability of Canadian AMT companies;
  • technology solutions to manufacturing problems;
  • related advanced manufacturing information resources.

Eligibility Criteria

Canadian Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Suppliers


AMT involves new manufacturing techniques and machines combined with information technology, microelectronics and new organizational practices in the manufacturing process. AMT is a key enabler to help manufacturers meet the productivity, quality and cost reduction demands of competitive global markets.

From the site you will be able to:

  • locate Canadian AMT companies and AMT solutions by company name and by the technologies they produce;
  • view descriptions of new products and successful implementation of some of these technologies;
  • connect with key stakeholders and locate up-to-date information about manufacturing;
  • learn about upcoming AMT events;
  • search our site to locate an item of interest or to link to other Internet based search tools;
  • include your Canadian AMT company on our site through the on-line self registration form.

What is the purpose of this Web site?

The site is meant to be a knowledge and educational tool to inform and educate potential buyers about a broad spectrum of advanced manufacturing technologies serving many industries. It aims to ensure that potential buyers actually learn of the existence of the products, technologies and human resource training available from Canadian firms and institutions, to improve the productivity and profitability of their operations. The site acts as a clearinghouse of information on advanced manufacturing technologies, turning the Web into a quick, easy and useful resource for business.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
SAM Webmaster
Manufacturing Industries Branch
Industry Canada
6th Floor East
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: (613) 941-6307
Fax: (613) 941-2463
Web site: