

News Releases

 What you don't know about electricity can hurt you (NBPower)



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The WHSCC provides accident prevention services, occupational health and safety assistance and cost-effective disability and liability insurance to workers and employers in New Brunswick.

Day of Mourning remembers workers who suffered workplace injuries, illness or death

Request for Qualifications (WRC)

Day of Mourning – Commemorating workers whose lives have been lost or injured in the workplace.

Very close to the home and heart for many New Brunswickers!

WHSCC releases 2007 Annual Report (2007 Annual Report)

Buyer Beware! Important information regarding WHMIS training

Click here to access the Independent Review Panel of the New Brunswick Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission

Visit our youth safety portal!

Workshop on Asthma in the Workplace" Education Day, June 18 2008 in Montreal

CSA/IAPA Course - Inspecting & Maintaining Steel Storage Racks

To view the 2008 workshop calendar, click here.

To register today for a FREE workshop, click on the name of the workshop below:

2007-2012 Strategic Plan and Risk Assessment
Board of Directors
Planning Session

JHSC amendments: What you need to know ( Bill 18 )
Bill 18, An Act to Amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act, was proclaimed in June 2007. This new legislation affects any workplace with a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) or health and safety representative. These changes relate to the training of JHSC members, the structure of JHSCs on project sites, and monthly workplace health and safety inspections.

2008 Industry Assessment Rates
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission 2008 Industry Assessment Rates

Pandemic Flu
Are you Planning?
Experts agree: a flu pandemic is inevitable and, possibly, imminent. Are you prepared? We’ve updated our pandemic portal to include more links to important information you need to know on pandemic planning.

Occupational Health and Safety Demerits
A demerit is an additional assessment that is charged to employers when there have been one or more violations of occupational health and safety legislation.

Zero Tolerance!
A recent review of fatalities, accidents, injuries and near misses has led us to direct our attention toward certain operations. Click on the icons below for more information.

Got your copy yet? Watch your mail for the WHSCC's new Small Business Guide Health and Safety, and use "Talk Knowledge Control" to protect your workers and your business.

To order additional copies of the CD, please email us!

Planning a residential construction or renovation project?