Other Distance Education Resources

N.B. Selection of more specialized and individual subject resources in distance education can be found by following some of the links below or by using Google, for example, and searching using topical keywords.


Use Google, www.google.com search engine, or www.google.ca for the Canadian version, either with keywords or using its directory feature to find resources. You may prefer to use another type of directory, such as the Argus Clearinghouse on web resources, http://www.clearinghouse.net, which lists a great number of resources by subject category. Internet Public Library at http://www.ipl.org/ and the WWW Virtual Library at http://www.vlib.org/ are just two more that help users find sites by topic.

The Canada workinfonet Web site at http://www.workinfonet.ca
helps Canadians connect to the resources they need in the areas of jobs, work and recruiting; learning, education and training; occupations and careers; labour market information and outlook; self-employment; workplace issues and supports; and financial help and issues. 

TeleCampus Online Course Directory at http://courses.telecampus.edu/subjects/index.cfm - The Telecampus course directory claims to have over 4500 Free Courses and over 1200 complete and fully online programmes available in the Telecampus database.

This is a searchable database that you can use the words distance education and it will search up to 500 Web sources and display them in linked form so you can point to them. The only catch is that the number of possible links are over 800!! Oh Well.

Yahoo's Education linkage is perhaps the most useful single sources of references for educators. Actually, the entire Yahoo Web Site is very useful for any topic. This one is an absolute MUST link in any list. The links are by subject and the number of sites at each listing are indicated in parenthesis.

Yahoo's Canadian Education linkage  - offers career specific training at http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/Countries/Canada/Business_and_Economy/

WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources, with over 2000 carefully selected, annotated links in  37 international affairs categories, should be of use to travellers, journalists, researchers, businesspersons, teachers, professors, and students, among others.

AskERIC Home Page-Educational Resources. Any resource search in education will yield a mountain of info here.  

Compilations of Distance Education Resources :

Web-Based Learning Resources Library at http://www.knowledgeability.biz/weblearning/  - This web site attempts to informally catalog (and occasionally compare, contrast and editorialize on) the tools, topics and issues of interest to those developing for web-based learning initiatives aimed at at-distance, adult learners. A wonderful, but very large, site.

Distance Learning links compiled by Ralph H. Logan at
http://www.members.aol.com/_ht_a/profchm/bm_dl.html? also contains more than 40 links.

The Argus Clearinghouse on Distance Education (resources) at

The Global Campus a Collection of Resources for Learning and Teaching  

Internet University - a clearinghouse for on-line degree programs  

Distance Education Clearing House  - large number of excellent links - located at the University of Wisconsin Extension. This Web site links to all levels of distance education.

New Media Centers  

Colleges & Universities in Distance Education / Distributed Education a list of Distance Learning institutions

Decisive Survey a WEB and email enabled surveying system 

EdWeb explore the worlds of educational reform and information technology University of North Texas - Texas Center for Educational Technology On the Horizon A discussion of issues relating to education in the future  

Internet Resources for Technology Education  

Eastern New Mexico University Virtual Classroom  

Vancouver Film School a collection of Multimedia resources  

LEARNER ONLINE Home Page for Educators - The Annenberg/CPB Project was created in 1981 with a gift of $10 million per year for nine years from the Annenberg School of Communications to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).  

Boston College Center for International Higher Education ProfNet the Professors Network, is an international service that links the press to the public information officers (PIOs) of universities, medical centers, national laboratories, non-profit organizations, corporations, and government agencies via the Internet. This site provides information for the press, ProfNet members and the interested public  

A clickable map of Universities in the United States  

Distance Learning Demonstration Projects Curtin University - The Electronic Campus Project  

Discover NCSA: National Center for Supercomputing Applications

University of Kansas Institute for the Exploration of Virtual Realities Project EASI (Easy Access for Students and Institutions) initiated by the U.S. Department of Education, to reengineer the country's postsecondary student financial aid delivery system.  

International Society for Technology in Education

TECFA Educational Technology Outline ("Training Technologies and Learning"), is a teaching and research unit within the School of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva.  

Distance Learning on the Net A list of resources from Glen Hoyle.  

The National Distance Learning Center is a centralized electronic information source for distance learning programs and resources  

Global Network Academy contains free online databases of distance education courses, programs, and other resources.

Distance and correspondence schools in British Columbia, Canada. Provided by the Technology and Distance Education division of the Ministry of Education, Province of British Columbia, Canada George Washington University Television a professional production house and broadcast facility located on the campus of The George Washington University. Like UTK's Telemedia Services Group, they offer diverse services such as Video Production, Distance Education, and Videoconferencing.

ZDNet University Learn online, on your time * Computer courses for every level * Expert instructors * Weekly lesson plans * A focused community to help you learn * Get credit if you want * Study at your pace.

The Online Learning Network offers distance learning on-line education through Internet courses in business management, organizational behavior, risk management, accounting, screenwriting, fiction writing, test preparation and teacher certification. On-line courseware is offered in conjunction with the UCLA Extension University. At-home study courses can be completed on-line or through employers and an affiliated Intranet training and distance education network.

Athabascau University is what is referred to as an Open University open to all Canadians and completely on-line.

RIDE RIDE (Resources In Distance Education) is located at Athabasca University and concerns the theory and practice of distance education. It provides a search engine for areas in distant learning topics for which to search the InterNet for further distance learning resources.

Consumer's Guide to Learning
CanLearn Interactive - A (Canadian) tool designed to help you make informed decisions about potential training and higher education learning opportunities. It compares colleges, universities, commercial trainers, and program delivery at different institutions, in order to help you choose the one that’s right for you.

Introducing learners to educational resources online
CanLearn Interactive - The best of the Web for students from grade one to graduate school. We’ve collected and catalogued the best (Canadian) learning resources by subject to help you find everything from cool science experiments to the complete works of Shakespeare.

Web based learning resources library This web site attempts to informally catalog (and occasionally compare, contrast and editorialize on) the tools, topics and issues of interest to those developing for web-based learning initiatives.

Academic Technologies For Learning
 This guide to Distance Education resources on the Internet was compiled by Dwayne Harapnuik and Norman Friesen for Dr. Terry Anderson, head of the new Alternative Delivery Initiative at the University of Alberta. This guide was designed to serve those involved in distance education on the post-secondary level.

Univ of Conneticut Web Development Lab This site takes about 5 minutes to load because of the extensive graphics. However once loaded it has a number of very useful links. It has a WWW Home Page Workshop as well as a Virtual Classroom

CertifyOnline.com provides high end training for the Information Technology industry. All courses are targeted at professionals who are looking for a career change or who wish to enhance their current skill set.

The Continuing Education Network contain over forty classes to choose from with new course offerings and categories being added regularly. These presentations have been specifically designed for your efficient use, allowing you to tailor your "attendance" as you wish for maximal learning. They are self-paced and are comprised of fully synchronized audio, video, and full screen animation.


Online Educator
 Some great ideas for integrating Internet resources with curriculum and (in some of the examples) with current events.

There is an excellent on-line Journal called the Chronicle of Distance Education and Communication. You may subscribe to this Journal by writing to the listserver at mailto:listproc@pulsar.acast.nova.edu