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What is CATALIST ?


CATALIST:  The Canadian Network for Third Age Learning is a bilingual network of 50 organizations across Canada that fosters and promotes third age learning through shared knowledge, expertise, research and resources.  CATALIST serves as a contact point for collaboration about later life learning in Canada and has links to similar networks around the world.

Our vision is to provide and to develop opportunities for third age learning organizations to network in order to improve quality and increase availability of learning programs for older adults across Canada. The Network strives to seek recognition and support of third age learning from all levels of governments.

The CATALIST Network is the only organization in Canada that does this.  The Network is a model of a national, member-controlled structure that supports and enhances third age learning by using various technologies to share our members' knowledge, resources and experience within and beyond the Network.

Eleven members from across Canada form the Advisory Board that governs CATALIST.  The Advisory Board meets via conference call every 2-3 months to discuss the current situation of the Network.  The Network employs part-time staff to support its work.


If you have any comments, suggestions or would like to join please contact:  catalist@uregina.ca


View the CATALIST video.


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