Alcohol & Gaming

Online Application : Ticket Lottery Permit (Under $500)

This online Permit application is for prizes not exceeding $500.00 in value (no licensing fee applicable).

For information regarding licences or permits, please contact the Licensing Section of Alcohol & Gaming at: (902) 424-6160.

In keeping with the privacy provisions of the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act, Environment and Labour will only use personal information for the purpose for which the information was obtained or compiled, or for a use compatible with that purpose.

Secure Lottery Permit Application Form

1. Organization Information

2. Fundraiser Information

3. Applicant Information

4. Finish

Applications for school fundraising must be signed by the Principal (please print your application and send to Alcohol & Gaming with signature).


Charitable fundraising must be accompanied with confirmation from the charity. All questions must be answered before an application is processed. It is unlawful to sell tickets on alcoholic beverages. Applicants must be 19 years of age and older.

How do I access my personal information?

Last Updated: 2005-Nov-15
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