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CAP Assessment Program (CAP)

More CAP Information


The Cap Assessment Program (CAP) is a program designed to protect Nova Scotia property owners from dramatic increases in market value by limiting or "capping" annual taxable assessment increases in eligible properties.

Please Note: As a result of changes in the CAP program there is no longer an application process for the CAP. You do not need to apply. If you are eligible you will be included in the program.

Eligibility Criteria & Eligibility Appeals

If there is no Taxable CAP Value indicated on your notice, please contact the Assessment Office listed on your notice. If the Assessment Office says you are not eligible for the Capped Assessment Program and you believe you meet the following criteria, please complete the 2008 Capped Assessment Program Eligibility Appeal form and send it to the address on the form.

In order to be eligible for the CAP, the property must :

  • Be at least 50% owned by a Nova Scotia resident (residency is defined as someone who lives in Nova Scotia no less than 183 days a year).
  • Be classed as taxable residential or taxable vacant resource property.
  • Be classed as taxable residential or taxable vacant resource property.
  • Have a market value increase that exceeds the CAP, excluding construction.
  • Be owned by the same person or transferred to certain close relatives such as a spouse, child, grandchild, great grandchild, parent, grandparent, brother or sister. The property may also be owned by or transferred to family trusts or farm cooperatives.
  • If a condo, be owner-occupied.
  • Mini-homes and mobile homes are now eligible
Construction does not qualify in the first year it is added to the Assessment Roll.

Starting 2008-09, there will be changes to the CAP Program

• In the Fall 2006 sitting of the provincial legislature, all three political parties agreed to new “capping” limits for residential properties (Bill 92) effective 2008-09.

• Bill 92 says that starting in the year 2008-09, the “cap” will be same percentage as the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

• The CPI between 2002 and 2005 has ranged from 1.8 per cent and 3.4 per cent.

• The Consumer Price Index provides a percentage of how much the prices Canadians paid for consumer goods in a given month has gone up or down. The index is determined by calculating, on a monthly basis, the cost of a fixed “basket” of goods purchased by a typical Canadian consumer during a given month. The basket contains products from various categories, including shelter, food, entertainment, fuel and transportation. Since the contents of the basket remain constant in terms of quantity and quality, the changes in the index reflect price changes, up or down. The most recent index shows that prices have increased by an overall total of 2.8 per cent in 2005 from 2004.

• The Department of Finance has a link to the CPIs in recent years:

• Additional changes to the CAP program make the process easier for property owners. These changes eliminate the application process and deadline. This means Nova Scotia residents who own eligible residential or resource properties that have market value increases more than the Nova Scotia Consumer Price Index (CPI), will be considered for the CAP program without having to apply. In other words, as long as they meet the residency and ownership criteria, they will receive the CAP.

• Mobile homes are now eligible for the CAP Program as well.

• It’s important to remember that this change will not take place until 2008-09. You will not see any new cap percentage on your assessment notices until January 2008 and you meet all of the CAP eligibility criteria. Until then, the cap on how much your property’s assessed value can increase is still 10 per cent.

• If you receive your notice and have not received the CAP because you are not considered to be a Nova Scotia resident you may contact your regional Assessment office with proof of your Nova Scotia residency and we will review the account.

More Information on the CAP Assessment Program

If you require further information, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section or call us at 1-800-667-5727.


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