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Gas Stations in Nova Scotia

Welcome to Gas Stations Listings Online

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How to use the Service Station Locator:

Choose some search criteria on the web page.

  1. For example, assume that you chose Attended and Self-Serve and "Brand X". All of the "Brand X" stations in the province that have attended and self-serve pumps will be displayed on the screen.
  2. To zoom in, click on the map in the region where you want to find a service station. In this example, assume that you clicked on the Metro Halifax area.
  3. To zoom in to a community level, click on the map again. For demonstration, we chose the Halifax peninsula.
  4. Almost done. Click near one of the station symbols and a street level map will come up on the screen.
  5. Last, click on a service station symbol and the exact location of the station, its street address, phone number and other contact information will appear on the screen. You may have to scroll down to see this information at the bottom of the screen.

For more information, click hereExternal Link

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