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Ecological Land Classification Map and Database

In an Ecological Land Classification (ELC) areas of similar ecology are identified and mapped within a hierarchy of ecosystems where broad to specific levels of detail are presented on a series of maps.

The ecological data used to delineate these ecosystems include:

  • climatic normals for Nova Scotia
  • surficial and bedrock geological mapping
  • provincial soils mapping
  • satellite and aerial remote sensing - landforms, vegetation
  • physiographical mapping - contours, topography
  • hydrological mapping
  • biophysical mapping

Further detail on the ELC is available in the report Ecological Land Classification for Nova Scotia, Volume 1External Link.

Three levels of the ELC can currently be reviewed as maps and data:

  1. Ecoregion
  2. Ecodistrict
  3. Ecosection

You will need either Netscape 4.75 and above or Internet Explorer 5.0 and above to access the maps and database. The presentation of this data is for graphic purposes only. For analysis it is recommended that the user obtain a copy of the CD DNR Digital Data 2001-1. For more information and assistance using the application please contact Eugene Quigley (ejquigle@gov.ns.ca).

Revisions to the ELC will be posted at ELC Updates page (under construction).

Ecological Land Classification OverviewExternal Link

View the Map and DatabaseExternal Link

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