Reports and Publications

Most current Ministry publications are listed alphabetically by title below. If you can't find the publication you are looking for, try searching the ministry library's online catalogue.

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New Publications

Working with the client who is suicidal: A tool for adult mental health and addiction services

Planning guidelines for mental health and addiction services for children, youth and adults with developmental disability

Housing and Support for Adults with Severe Addictions and/or Mental Illness in British Columbia

Summary of Input on the Conversation on Health

Tobacco Regulation Press Release 2007

General Practice Services Committee Annual Report 2006-2007

Healthy eating for seniors

Premier's Consultation for Improved Cancer Care in Northern BC: final report

Applicant guide to EMA licensing examinations

Home and community care: a guide to your care

Royal Jubilee Hospital (Victoria) Patient Care Centre capital project plan

Capital project plan: Kelowna and Vernon hospitals project

Capital project plan: Surrey outpatient facility

Measuring our success: baseline document for ActNow BC

Information resource management plan 2007/08

Ministry of Health service plans



Academic Ambulatory Care Centre project; see Project report: achieving value for money: Academic Ambulatory Care Centre project

Action Schools! BC: phase I (pilot) evaluation report and recommendations: a report to the Ministry of Health Services
McKay, H. … [et al] 2004 PDF 830KB

Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre project; see Project report: achieving value for money: Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre project

Addictions; see Weaving threads together: a new approach to address addictions in BC

Adult care facilities; see Meals and more: quality improvement and resource guide for small adult care facilities (24 beds or less)

Addressing perinatal depression: a framework for BC’s health authorities
BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre; British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2006 PDF 646KB

Alcohol and other drug problems and BC women: a report to the Minister of Health
British Columbia. Minister's Advisory Council on Women's Health

Annual reports, Ministry of Health; see Ministry of Health service plans

Annual reports, Provincial Health Officer; see Provincial Health Officer's annual reports

Antimicrobial resistance: a recommended action plan for British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 2000 PDF 211KB

Anxiety disorders strategy; see A provincial anxiety disorders strategy

Applicant Guide to EMA Licensing Examinations
British Columbia. Ministry of Health. EMA Licensing Board.2007 PDF 429KB

Assess and intervene: a report to the Minister of Health on the recruitment and retention of registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses in British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors … [et al]2000 PDF 411KB

Audits and more: a nutrition and food service audit manual for larger residential community care facilities
A nutrition and food service audit manual for larger residential community care facilities 2001 PDF 495KB

Autism spectrum disorder: diagnosis of young children; see Standards and guidelines for the assessment and diagnosis of young children with autism spectrum disorder in British Columbia



Baby's best chance: parents' handbook of pregnancy and baby care
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2005 PDF 4.40MB

BC eHealth conceptual system architecture
BC eHealth Steering Committee ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2005 PDF 2.14MB

BC First Nations health handbook: a companion document to the BC HealthGuide
First Nations Chiefs' Health Committee (BC) ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning 2002 PDF 2.68MB

BC HealthFiles
British Columbia. BC HealthGuide

BC - injury free: the provincial injury prevention plan for children and youth (ages birth to 24): a framework for action
British Columbia. Minister's Injury Prevention Advisory Committee 1997 PDF 331KB

BC laboratory services review
Bayne, L ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2003 PDF 286KB

BC palliative care benefits program
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services

BC seniors' guide: programs and benefits for British Columbia's seniors
British Columbia. Ministry of Community Services

Better care for seniors: health authority redesign accomplishments: a four-year picture
Seniors care 2005 PDF 235KB

Best practice guidelines for the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of medical devices in health authorities
British Columbia. Ministry of Health. Patient Safety Branch 2007 PDF 547KB

Best practices in mental health and addictions in BC
British Columbia. Ministry of Health

Brain injury services and supports; see Guidelines for planning brain injury services and supports in British Columbia

British Columbia directory, unintentional injury prevention programs for children and youth (ages 0-24)
British Columbia. Office of Injury Prevention 2001 PDF 462KB

British Columbia nutrition survey: report on energy and nutrient intakes
Forster-Coull, L., [et al.] ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning
2004 PDF 1.5MB

British Columbia nutrition survey: report on seniors' nutritional health
Levy Milne, R. … [et al]
2004 PDF 1.15MB

British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: managing pandemic influenza: a guide for BC industry and commerce
British Columbia, Ministry of Health, Emergency Management Branch
Annotated Index
2006 PDF 345KB

British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: managing pandemic influenza: a guide for BC local governments
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 757KB

British Columbia's provincial depression strategy: phase 1 report
University of British Columbia: Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services. Mental Health and Addictions 2002 2.1MB



Capital project plan: Kelowna and Vernon hospitals project
British Columbia, Ministry of Health, Capital Services Branch, Honourable George Abbott, Minister of Health 2007 PDF 44KB

Capital project plan: Surrey outpatient facility
Capital Services 2007 PDF 25KB

Caring for lesbian health: a resource for health care providers, policy makers and planners
Hudspith, M. ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Minister's Advisory Council on Women's Health 1999 PDF 188KB

Child health passport
Child health passport (French Version)
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 2.93MB

Children and youth in care: an epidemiological review of mortality. British Columbia. April 1974 to March 2000
British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer … [et al] 2001 PDF 725KB

Children and youth in care in British Columbia; see Health status of children and youth in care in British Columbia: what do the mortality data show?

Children's behaviour; see Guiding children's behaviour

Chronic disease management; see Improving chronic disease management: a powerful business case for congestive heart failure

Cigarettes: what is in them?; see What is in cigarettes?

Clinical practice guidelines and protocols in British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health. Medical Outcomes Improvement Branch

Cognitive behavioural therapy
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA) 2007 PDF 991KB

Common childhood diseases guide; see A quick guide to common childhood diseases

Continuing care and extended care services; see Model standards for continuing care and extended care services

Conversation on Health report; see Summary of input on the Conversation on Health

Core public health functions for BC: model core program paper: dental public health
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2006 PDF 219KB

Crystal meth and other amphetamines : an integrated BC strategy.
British Columbia. Ministry of Health
Six month progress report
2004 PDF 1,073KB
2005 PDF 321KB



Dental public health; see Core public health functions for BC: model core program paper: dental public health

Depression, perinatal; see Addressing perinatal depression: a framework for BC’s health authorities

Depression Strategy: phase 1 report; see British Columbia's provincial depression strategy: phase 1 report

Development of a mental health and addictions information plan for mental health literacy 2003-2005
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services and Health Planning 2003 PDF 375KB

Developmental disabilities; see Planning guidelines for mental health and addiction services for children, youth and adults with developmental disability

Discrimination against people with mental illnesses and their families: changing attitudes, opening minds: executive summary and major recommendations
British Columbia Minister of Health’s Advisory Council on Mental Health 2002 PDF 222KB

Discussion paper on a provincial strategy for end-of-life care in British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2002 PDF 90KB




Early identification of psychosis: a primer
Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit PDF 83KB

Early psychosis: a care guide
Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit
2002 PDF 3.24MB
2002 PDF 2.83MB

Early psychosis: a guide for mental health clinicians
Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit 2000 PDF 908KB

Early psychosis: a guide for physicians
Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit 2000 PDF 843KB

eHealth conceptual system architecture; see BC eHealth conceptual system architecture

eHealth strategic framework for British Columbia
BC eHealth Steering Committee ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 1.23MB

Electroconvulsive therapy guidelines for health authorities in British Columbia
Mental Health Evaluation & Community Consultation Unit 2002 PDF 3.79MB

End-of-life care, a provincial framework; see A provincial framework for end-of-life care

End-of-life care in British Columbia, discussion paper on a provincial strategy; see Discussion paper on a provincial strategy for end-of-life care in British Columbia

Emergency response planning for small waterworks systems
British Columbia. Public Health Protection 2000 PDF 310KB

Enhancing health services in remote and rural communities of British Columbia: an update on former recommendations
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors
Enhancing health services in remote and rural communities of British Columbia (1999)
2002 PDF 86.1KB

Every door is the right door: a British Columbia planning framework to address problematic substance use and addiction
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2004 PDF 1.54MB

The evolution of seniors' falls prevention in British Columbia
Herman, M., Gallagher, E. & Scott, V. 2006 PDF 1.4MB



Family child care programs: furnishings & equipment checklist
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1997 PDF 33.2KB

Federal funding in British Columbia, 2003/04: Health Reform Fund, Primary Health Care, Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Fund
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2005 PDF 277KB

Fire and life safety for family child care
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors

First Nations health handbook; see BC First Nations health handbook: a companion document to the BC HealthGuide

First Nations health plan: memorandum of understanding
First Nations Leadership Council … [et al] 2006 PDF 270KB

First Nations health plan: transformative change accord; see The transformative change accord: First Nations health plan

Food, health and well-being in British Columbians
British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 2005 PDF 6,525KB

The Fraser Valley Health Centre and the Eastern Fraser Valley Cancer Centre: Business Case February 8, 2001
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 2001 PDF 425KB

Furnishing and equipment checklist: family child care programs; see Family child care programs: furnishings & equipment checklist

Furnishing and equipment checklist: group child care 30 months; see Group child care 30 months - school age: furnishings and equipment checklist

Furnishing and equipment checklist: group child care 36 months; see Group child care under 36 months: furnishings and equipment checklist

Furnishing and equipment checklist: preschool; see Preschool furnishings and equipment checklist

Furnishing and equipment checklist: school age care; see School age care: furnishings and equipment checklist




Gender - inclusive health planning: a guide for health authorities in British Columbia
Pederson, A. ; British Columbia. Women's Health Bureau 2001 PDF 108KB

General Practice Services Committee Annual Report 2006-2007
British Columbia. General Practice Service Committee 2007 PDF 1071KB

Group child care 30 months - school age: furnishing and equipment checklist
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1997 PDF 34KB

Group child care 36 months: furnishing and equipment checklist
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1997 PDF 34KB

Guide to the Mental Health Act
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 5.1MB

Guidelines for developing bylaws under the Health Professions Act
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Legislation and Professional Regulation Division 1999 PDF 184KB

Guidelines for elderly mental health care planning for best practices for health authorities
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2002 PDF 1.158MB

Guidelines for food and beverage sales in BC school
Forster-Coull, L. ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 239KB

Guidelines for personal service establishments (PSEs)
British Columbia. Health Protection and Safety Division 2000 PDF 57KB

Guidelines for planning brain injury services and supports in British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services and Ministry of Health Planning 2002 PDF 583KB

Guidelines for tanning salon operators
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services. Health Protection Planning Division 2004 PDF 428KB

Guidelines for tattooing
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services. Health Protection Planning Division 1997 PDF 89KB

Guiding children's behaviour
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning. Community Care Facilities Branch 2003 PDF 112KB



Health goals for British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1997 PDF 136KB

Health goals for British Columbia women
British Columbia. Women's Health Bureau 2000 PDF 106KB

Healthy eating for seniors
British Columbia. Ministry of Health ; ActNow BC 2007 PDF [multiple]

Healthy Pathways Forward: a Strategic Integrated Approach to Viral Hepatitis in BC
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2007 PDF 868KB

Hepatitis C: a report, 1999 - 2004; see Supporting British Columbians infected with hepatitis C: a report on the undertaking between the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada, 1999 - 2004

Health goals regional index 1999: a report from British Columbia's Provincial Health Officer
British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 2000 PDF 211KB

Health status of children and youth in care in British Columbia: what do the mortality data show?
British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 2001 PDF 336KB

Health system's response to violence against women; see Violence against women: improving the health care response: a guide for health authorities, health care managers, providers and planners

Healthy aging through healthy living: towards a comprehensive policy and planning framework for seniors in BC: a discussion paper
British Columbia. Ministry of Health
Executive Summary
2005 PDF 910KB

Healthy British Columbia: British Columbia's report on nationally comparable performance indicators
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning and Ministry of Health Services 2004 PDF 295KB

Healthy eating: cheap and easy
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning and Ministry of Health Services 2002 PDF 793KB

Hearing screening for every baby – a sound start: a British Columbia initiative for early hearing detection and intervention
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention – BC (EHDI-BC) Steering Committee 2004 PDF 573KB

HIV, Hepatitis, and injection drug use in British: pay now or pay later?
Millar, J. ; British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 1998 PDF 372KB

HIV / AIDS in BC, 2004 annual progress report; see Priorities for action in managing the epidemics: HIV / AIDS in BC (2003-2007), 2004 annual progress report

HIV / AIDS in BC, 2005 annual progress report; see Priorities for action in managing the epidemics: HIV / AIDS in BC (2003-2007), 2005 annual progress report

HIV / AIDS in BC (2003-2007); see Priorities for action in managing the epidemics: HIV / AIDS in BC (2003-2007): Priorities for action in managing the epidemics

Home and Community Care: a Guide to Your Care
British Columbia. Ministry of Health. Home and Community Care 2007 PDF 1.63MB

Housing and Support for Adults with Severe Addictions and/or Mental Illness in British Columbia
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA) 2007 PDF 702KB

How healthy are we? British Columbia's report on nationally comparable performance indicators
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning and Ministry of Health Services
2002 PDF 416KB





Injury prevention plan framework: children and youth; see BC - injury free: the provincial injury prevention plan for children and youth (ages birth to 24): a framework for action

Improving chronic disease management: a powerful business case for congestive heart failure
British Columbia, Ministry of Health Planning, Knowledge Management and Technology Division 2005 PDF 1.3MB

Immunize BC: a strategic framework for immunization in B.C.
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2007 PDF 878KB

Information resource management plan 2007/08
British Columbia, Ministry of Health Planning, Knowledge Management and Technology Division 2007 PDF 742KB





Kelowna and Vernon hospitals; see Capital project plan: Kelowna and Vernon hospitals project


Laboratory services review; see BC laboratory services review

Lesbian health; see Caring for lesbian health: a resource for health care providers, policy makers and planners


Maternity care in British Columbia; see Supporting local collaborative models for sustainable maternity care in British Columbia: recommendations from the maternity care enhancement project

Meals and more: quality improvement and resource guide for small adult care facilities (24 beds or less)
British Columbia. Public and Preventative Health Division 1999 PDF 720KB

Measuring our success: baseline document for ActNow BC
British Columbia. Act Now BC 2006 PDF 1.76MB

Medical Services Commission payment schedule
Medical Services Plan

Mental Health Act guide; see Guide to the Mental Health Act

Mental health and literacy; see Development of a mental health and addictions information plan for mental health literacy

Mental health reform best practices; see Best Practices in Mental Health and Addictions in BC

Minister's Advisory Council on Women's Health
British Columbia. Minister's Advisory Council on Women's Health

Ministry of Health Services human resources plan overview, 05/06 - 07-08
British Columbia, Ministry of Health Services 2005 PDF 23KB

Ministry of Health service plans
British Columbia, Ministry of Health

Model standards for continuing care and extended care services
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1999 PDF 1.03MB

Modernizing British Columbia's health care system; see The picture of health: how we are modernizing British Columbia's health care system: report

MSP information resource manual: fee-for-service payment statistics
Medical Services Plan

MSP Publications
Medical Services Plan




A national centre for disease control in British Columbia: expertise, infrastructure and information
British Columbia 2003 PDF 1.44MB

A nutrition and food service audit manual for larger residential community care facilities; see Audits and more: a nutrition and food service audit manual for larger residential community care facilities

Nutrition survey: energy and nutrient intakes; see British Columbia nutrition survey: report on energy and nutrient intakes


Orientation for public health nurses in British Columbia
Registered Nurses' Association of British Columbia 2000 PDF 4.08MB


Palliative care benefits program; see BC palliative care benefits program

Pandemic influenza preparedness plan: a guide for B.C. industry and commerce; see British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: managing pandemic influenza: a guide for BC industry and commerce

Pandemic influenza preparedness plan: a guide for B. C. local governments; see British Columbia pandemic influenza preparedness plan: managing pandemic influenza: a guide for BC local governments

Parental mental illness support; see Supporting families with parental mental illness

Parents' guide to selecting child care: selecting and monitoring of licensed and license-not-required child care
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning. Community Care Facilities Branch 2003 PDF 68.6KB

Partnerships for better health: a self-care pilot project: final evaluation report
Mullet, J. ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 2000 PDF 364KB

Peer support resource manual
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2001 PDF 758KB

Performance Plan 2000/2001
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 2000 PDF 167KB

Performance Plan 2001/2002-03-04
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 2001 PDF 333KB

Perinatal depression; see Addressing perinatal depression: a framework for BC’s health authorities

Physicians' Newsletters
Medical Services Plan

The picture of health: how we are modernizing British Columbia's health care system: report
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning
2002 PDF 1.35MB

Planning guidelines for mental health and addiction services for children, youth and adults with developmental disability
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2007 PDF 2,050KB

Policy and practice: a report on the use of British Columbia's health goals by B.C. government ministries
Beseau, M. ; British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 2001 PDF 215KB

Postpartum depression; see Self-care program for women with postpartum depression and anxiety: patient guide

Premier's Consultation for Improved Cancer Care in Northern BC: final report
British Columbia. Premier's Consultation for Improved Cancer Care in Northern BC 2006 PDF 2MB

Preschool furnishings and equipment checklist
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1997 PDF 33.4KB

Preventing illness in child care settings
British Columbia. Community Care Facilities Branch 2003 PDF 92.8KB

Preventing injury in child care settings
British Columbia. Community Care Facilities Branch 2003 PDF 88.4KB

Prevention of falls and injuries among the elderly: a special report from the Office of the Provincial Health Officer
British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 2004 PDF 2.34MB

Priorities for action in managing the epidemics: HIV / AIDS in BC (2003-2007), 2004 annual progress report
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 1.56MB

Priorities for action in managing the epidemics: HIV / AIDS in BC (2003-2007), 2005 annual progress report
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 1.4MB

Priorities for action in managing the epidemics: HIV / AIDS in BC (2003-2007): Priorities for action in managing the epidemics
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2003 PDF 988KB

A profile of seniors in British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services. Children's, Women's, and Senior's Health 2004 PDF 1.25MB

Project report: achieving value for money: Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre project
Partnerships British Columbia ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2006 PDF 3.21MB

Project report: achieving value for money: Academic Ambulatory Care Centre project
British Columbia, Ministry of Health Services 2004 PDF 1.37MB

Protocol for protecting emergency responders from communicable disease
British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 1998 PDF 419KB

A provincial anxiety disorders strategy
British Columbia. The Provincial Strategy Advisory Committee for Anxiety Disorders 2002 PDF 242KB

A provincial framework for end-of-life care
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2006 PDF 705KB

Provincial vision screening training manual
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2007 PDF 483KB

Provincial Health Officer's annual reports
British Columbia, Office of the Provincial Health Officer

Psychiatric emergency services standards; see Standards for hospital-based psychiatric emergency services: observation units



A quick guide to common childhood diseases
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 2001 PDF 59.6KB



The red road: pathways to wholeness: an aboriginal strategy for HIV and AIDS in BC
British Columbia. Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Task Force 1999 PDF 2.63MB

Report of the Reference Drug Program Consultation Panel to the Honourable Sindi Hawkins, Minister of Health Planning British Columbia
Reference Drug Program Consultation Panel, Ministry of Health Planning 2002 PDF 126KB

Report on the use of provincial health goals in regional health service plans
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Office of the Provincial Health Officer 1999 PDF 305KB

Report to the Ministry of Health Services: regional hospital district cost sharing review
Surich, J.
Issues summary (April)
2003 PDF 373KB

Review of Diagnostic Imaging Policies and Practices for Providence Health Care
British Columbia: Ministry of Health 2006 PDF 118KB

Review of the affiliation agreement between the Fraser Health Authority and the Sisters of Charity of Providence in British Columbia (St. Mary's Hospital)
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2002 PDF 42KB

Review of the matters pertaining to St. Mary's Hospital and the Fraser Health Authority: a report to Honourable Colin Hansen, Minister of Health Services
Morfitt, G. 2003 PDF 878KB

Review of the science underlying preschool vision screening with implications for BC
C Green Health Info 2005 PDF 314KB

Royal Jubilee Hospital (Victoria) Patient Care Centre Capital Project Plan
British Columbia, Ministry of Health, Capital Services Branch, Honourable George Abbott, Minister of Health 2007 PDF 26KB

Rural programs 04/07: a guide for rural physician programs in British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2004 PDF 204KB




Safe choices: a new model for regulating health professions in British Columbia
British Columbia. Ministry of Health. Health Professions Council

SARS, what you need to know; see What you need to know about SARS

School age care: furnishings and equipment checklist
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors1997 PDF 33.2KB

School Food Sales and Policies Provincial Report
British Columbia. Ministry of Education ; Ministry of Health 2005 PDF 126KB

Self-care program for women with postpartum depression and anxiety: patient guide
Provincial Reproductive Mental Health, BC Children and Women's Health Centre PDF 3.39MB

Seniors and isolation; see Social isolation among seniors: an emerging issue

Seniors care; see Better care for seniors: health authority redesign accomplishments: a four-year picture

Senior's fall prevention; see The evolution of seniors' fall prevention in British Columbia

Seniors in British Columbia; see A profile of seniors in British Columbia

Senior's mental health; see Guidelines for elderly mental health care planning for best practices for health authorities

Service Plans; see Ministry of Health service plans

Social isolation among seniors: an emerging issue
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2004 PDF 193KB

Standards and guidelines for the assessment and diagnosis of young children with autism spectrum disorder in British Columbia
Dua, V. ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning 2003 PDF 180KB

Standards of accessibility and guidelines for provision of sustainable acute care services by health authorities. Rev. ed.
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning and Ministry of Health Services 2004 PDF 915KB

Standards for hospital-based psychiatric emergency services: observation units
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 2000 PDF 165KB

Suicide; see Working with the client who is suicidal: A tool for adult mental health and addiction services

Summary of input on the Conversation on Health
British Columbia. Ministry of Health. 2007

Supporting families with parental mental illness
Supporting Families with Parental Mental Illness Provincial Working Group; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services and Ministry of Children and Family Development 2002 PDF 2.15MB

Supporting British Columbians infected with hepatitis C: a report on the undertaking between the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada, 1999 - 2004
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2004 PDF 180KB

Supporting local collaborative models for sustainable maternity care in British Columbia: recommendations from the maternity care enhancement project
Maternity Care Enhancement Project (B.C.) ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2004 PDF 1.01MB

Supportive housing in supportive communities: the report on the supportive housing review
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1999 PDF 159KB

Surrey outpatient facility; see Capital project plan: Surrey outpatient facility



Tanning Salon Guidelines; Guidelines for tanning salon operators

Tattooing Salon Guidelines; see Guidelines for tattooing

Tobacco Regulation Press Release 2007
British Columbia. Ministry of Health 2007 PDF 33KB

Tobacco use in B.C., 1997
Angus Reid Group ; British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors

Toddler's first steps: a "best chance" guide to parenting your six-month- to three-year-old
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning and Ministry of Health Services 2002 PDF 1.82MB

Toward better health care for British Columbians
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services 2004 PDF 1.33KB

The transformative change accord: First Nations health plan
First Nations Leadership Council … [et al] 2006 PDF 1.5MB



Unintentional injury prevention programs; see British Columbia directory, unintentional injury prevention programs for children and youth (ages 0-24)


The vegetarian edge
British Columbia. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors 1998 PDF 189KB

Vendor complaint review process (VCRP)
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning and Ministry of Health Services

Violence against women: improving the health care response: a guide for health authorities, health care managers, providers and planners
Morrow, M. ; Varcoe, C. ; British Columbia. Women's Health Bureau
Supplementary Information
2000 PDF 830KB


Vision screening; see Provincial vision screening training manual

Vision screening for preschoolers; see Review of the science underlying preschool vision screening with implications for BC

Vital Statistics Agency, annual reports
British Columbia. Vital Statistics Agency



Water Stewardship Division
British Columbia. Ministry of Environment

Weaving threads together: a new approach to address addictions in BC
Kaiser Youth Foundation 2001 PDF 552KB

What is in cigarettes?
British Columbia. Ministry of Health

What you need to know about SARS
British Columbia. BCHealthCare 2003 PDF 177KB

Women's Health; see Minister's Advisory Council on Women's Health

Working with the client who is suicidal: A tool for adult mental health and addiction services
Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA) 2007 PDF 2.06MB




You and your health: a woman's handbook
British Columbia. Ministry of Health Planning. Women's Health Bureau 2003 PDF 2.53MB



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