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About the Canadian Authors Association

Photo of woman with computer

The Canadian Authors Association is Canada's national writing organization. Founded in 1921, the CAA has played a key role in the support and development of the Canadian writing community. It has charitable status as a registered National Arts Service Organization.

More information about the CAA is located on the pages listed under the CAA National and Branches & Services links on the left.

Writers Helping Writers Since 1921

If you are serious about your writing you will want to become a Canadian Authors Association member to obtain the greatest benefit and access to the wide range of services and networking that is available only to our members. Membership is available to both professional and aspiring writers as well as to those wishing to support Canadian writers and writing.

Significant Contributions

There are many local writing groups across the country, but none are backed by the resources of a national writing organization with a remarkable history of significant contributions to Canadian writing.

The CAA was founded to deal with such issues as copyright and has played a leading role in the recognition of literary talent with the establishment of the Governor General's Literary Awards in 1936.

National Writers with a Local Presence

CAA branches, located in communities right across Canada, are more than a local writing group. They are a national writing organization with a local presence.

There is also a Virtual Branch that provides for the needs of those living in remoter communities, those that find attending meetings inconvenient and those that enjoy the friendly expertise that is freely shared.

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Contact Information

The CAA is primarily a volunteer-run organization and our resources are limited. We must devote most of those resources to providing the needs of our members.

Why not become a Canadian Authors Association member? You not only support the services that you need as a writer, but you are contributing to the future of Canadian writing.

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Updated: November 7, 2006