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Clean Nova Scotia - Inspiring Environmental Change

Corporate Support | Volunteers | Members | Fundraising Events

Support - Volunteer Opportunities at CNS

Current volunteer opportunities:

Volunteers for regular office duties are always welcome. Call Kari at 424-4252

CNS Volunteers

Volunteers are the lifeblood of most non-profit organizations and CNS is no exception. Since our inception in 1988, we would not have achieved the success we have had without the many dedicated volunteers who have offered their time, skills, and resources.

CNS offers a variety of volunteer opportunities including; administrative support, contributing to our newsletter, committee work, fundraising/special events or organizing a Pick-Up event. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available to people of all ages. We invite anyone with an interest in their community or the environment to give us a call.

Benefits of volunteering include:

· Training in office duties, environmental issues and communications
· Volunteer hours for university co-op programs, high school or social programs
· Letters of reference

If you would like to volunteer, fundraise on our behalf or simply become a member and receive our newsletter, we’d like to hear from you. Call the office at 424-4252 or email riddell@clean.ns.ca.

Pick-Me-Up Planet Action Waste Reduction Week in Canada Quagmire CCC
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