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Finding Seniors' Resources

Finding Independent Living Services

For information on health services for seniors, see Health Services under the Living a Healthy Life as a Senior section.

Home Care

Continuing Care serves people who need ongoing care outside of hospital, either on a long-term or short-term basis.

It is a branch of the Department of Health providing access to home care, long-term care (such as a nursing home or residential care facility), or protection for vulnerable adults.

Home care, home health care and community care are services that help people live at home while maintaining contact with their community. Services include homemaking, meal delivery, personal care, home oxygen concentrator services; and family relief/respite services.

Other Services

In addition to health programs and services we have collected other resources that you may find useful. Whether locating a volunteer transportation service for medical appointments or obtaining funds to help purchase assistive devices, we hope the following links will be helpful.


There is help for seniors requiring transportation services to appointments and other activities that you can find in your community.

The Accessible Parking Zone Permit or Plates ensures that people with disabilities have a unique entitlement to designated disabled parking throughout Canada.

Specific parking privileges vary depending on the municipality. For information on local bylaws concerning disabled parking privileges contact the municipality.

Home Adaptations

There are financial assistance programs to help seniors maintain their independence by implementing home adaptations.

Home Adaptations for Seniors' Independence (HASI)

The Home Adaptations for Seniors' Independence (HASI) program of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation helps homeowners and landlords pay for minor home adaptations to extend the time low-income seniors can live in their own homes independently.

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities (RRAP-D)

If the home requires extensive modifications, such as wider doorways and increased space for wheelchair maneuvering, contact the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for information on the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities.

Senior Citizens Assistance Program - SCAP

The Senior Citizens Assistance Program provides assistance to senior citizens who wish to remain in their own homes but who cannot afford to carry out necessary repairs. Funding is provided by the Province of Nova Scotia.

Assistive Devices

Canadian Paraplegic Association (Nova Scotia) operates an emergency equipment loan program for Its clients. The service is provided free of charge. The Association has a small inventory of equipment that includes:

The Department of Community Services may also be able to help in getting supplementary aid for special needs.

Certain social clubs and community organizations may offer financial aid for purchasing assistive devices.

Supporting Families and Caregivers

Continuing Care serves people who need ongoing care outside of hospital, either on a long-term or short-term basis.

For information on services available for veterans, see Services for Veterans under the Living a Healthy Life as a Senior section.

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is most often defined as any act that harms a senior or jeopardizes his or her health or welfare. It can take the form of financial, emotional or physical abuse or even neglect. View the following resources to learn more about this serious problem and how to seek help.

For information and resources relating to spousal abuse, visit the Dealing with Spousal Abuse or Family Violence Life Event Web site.

Other Information

If you have any questions about health care or other services for seniors, here are three organizations you can contact.