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Codes Information

Directory of Codes

Below is a listing of Codes administered by the Government of Alberta, Government of Canada and the Canadian Standards Association as well as information on accessing copies electronically on the Internet or in print format.

Government of Alberta Codes

Alberta Energy
Alberta Environment
Alberta Human Resources and Employment
Alberta Municipal Affairs

Government of Canada Codes

Justice and Attorney General; Solicitor General of Canada
Ministry of Labour

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Codes

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Codes

Government of Alberta Codes

Alberta Energy

Type of Code Access on the Internet Other Access

Alberta Regulations Pertaining to Codes

  • Code of Conduct Regulation (Electric Utilities)
  • Code of Conduct Regulation (Gas Utilities Act)

Free access on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Access on QP SOURCE Internet (subscription site)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Alberta Environment

Type of Code Access on the Internet Other Access

Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act – Codes of Practice

  • Code of Practice for a Waterworks System Consisting Solely of a Water Distribution System
  • Code of Practice for Asphalt Paving Plants
  • Code of Practice for Compost Facilities
  • Code of Practice for Compressor and Pumping Stations and Sweet Gas Processing Plants
  • Code of Practice for Concrete Producing Plants
  • Code of Practice for Energy Recovery
  • Code of Practice for Exploration Operations
  • Code of Practice for Forage Drying Facilities
  • Code of Practice for Foundries
  • Code of Practice for Hydrologic Tracing Analysis Studies
  • Code of Practice for Land Treatment of Soil Containing Hydrocarbons
  • Code of Practice for Landfills
  • Code of Practice for Pesticides
  • Code of Practice for Pits
  • Code of Practice for Sawmill Plants
  • Code of Practice for Small Incinerators
  • Code of Practice for Tanker Truck Washing Facilities
  • Code of Practice for The Release of Hydro Static Test Water from Hydrostatic Testing of Petroleum Liquid and Gas Pipelines
  • Code of Practice for Wastewater Systems Consisting Solely of a Wastewater Collection System
  • Code of Practice for Wastewater Systems Using a Wastewater Lagoon
  • Code of Practice for Waterworks Systems Using High Quality Groundwater

Free access on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Access on QP SOURCE Internet (subscription site)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Water Act – Codes of Practice

  • Code of Practice for Outfall Structures on Water Bodies
  • Code of Practice for Pipelines and Telecommunication Lines Crossing a Water Body
  • Code of Practice for the Temporary Diversion of Water for Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines
  • Code of Practice for Watercourse Crossings

Free access on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Access on QP SOURCE Internet (subscription site)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Codes of Practice Maps

Free access on Alberta Environment web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Alberta Stack Sampling Code, 1995

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Alberta Human Resources and Employment

Type of Code Access on the Internet Other Access

Occupational Health and Safety Code

Free access on Human Resources and Employment web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Legislative Codes

  • Employment Standards Code
  • Labour Relations Code

Free access on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Access on QP SOURCE Internet (subscription site)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Alberta Regulations Pertaining to Codes

  • Code of Ethics (Architects)
  • Code of Ethics (Land Surveyors)

Free access on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Access on QP SOURCE Internet (subscription site)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Alberta Municipal Affairs

Type of Code Access on the Internet Other Access

Alberta Safety Codes

  • Building Code
  • Plumbing Code
  • Fire Code
  • Electrical and Communication Utility Code
  • Code for Electrical Installations at Oil and Gas Facilities

Purchase on Learning Resources Centre web site

Print copies available for purchase from Learning Resources Centre

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Alberta Safety Codes STANDATA

  • STANDATA Electrical Information System
  • Alberta Building Code 1997 STANDATA
  • Alberta Fire Code 1997 STANDATA
  • Elevators, Amusement Rides, and Passenger Ropeways STANDATA
  • Plumbing STANDATA
  • Private Sewage STANDATA

Free access on Municipal Affairs web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site (STANDATA Electrical Information System only)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Municipal Codes

Free access on Municipal Affairs web site

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Legislative Codes

  • Safety Codes Act

Free access on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Access on QP SOURCE Internet (subscription site)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Alberta Regulations Pertaining to Codes

  • Building Code Regulation
  • Fire Code Regulation
  • Electrical Code Regulation
  • Elevating Devices Codes Regulation
  • Gas Code Regulation
  • Plumbing Code Regulation

Free access on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Access on QP SOURCE Internet (subscription site)

Print copies available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available from Alberta’s public libraries through the Depository Library Program

Government of Canada Codes

Codes administered by the Government of Canada are not available from Alberta Queen’s Printer.

Justice and Attorney General; Solicitor General of Canada

Type of Code Access on the Internet Other Access

Legislative Codes

  • Tremeear's Criminal Code
  • Pocket Criminal Code 2007

Free access on Justice Canada web site (Official Criminal Code of Canada only)

Purchase on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Print copies available for purchase from Government of Canada Publishing

Ministry of Labour

Type of Code Access on the Internet Other Access

Legislative Codes

  • Canada Labour Code

Free access on Justice Canada web site

Print copies available for purchase from Government of Canada Publishing

Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Codes

Codes developed by the Canadian Standards Association relating to industry safety and standards that are adopted across Canada. Only the Codes listed are available from Alberta Queen’s Printer.

Type of Code Access on the Internet Other Access

CSA Codes

  • Canadian Electrical Code Handbook 2006
  • Canadian Electrical Code Part I - 2006 (Spiral bound)

Purchase select Codes (see list under "Type of Code") on Alberta Queen’s Printer web site

Purchase on Canadian Standards Association web site

Select CSA Codes (see list under "Type of Code") available for purchase from Alberta Queen’s Printer

Print copies available for purchase from Canadian Standards Association

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