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Alberta Queen's Printer
The official source of Government of Alberta laws and publications since 1906

Publishing Alberta's Legislation
The Alberta Queen’s Printer publishes, distributes and sells Alberta’s Acts, Regulations and various legislation-related materials. The Bookstore offers a wide range of products and formats, including paper, CD ROM and online. The Bookstore’s e-commerce site currently offers more than 2,200 items. In addition to online purchasing, government and the public can access Alberta’s laws free online through the Internet.

The Alberta Gazette
Twice a month, the branch publishes the Alberta Gazette, in two parts, to provide official notice about areas governed by Statute.

Distributing the Government of Alberta Telephone Directory
The government telephone directory (RITE) is updated regularly and is available on the Internet (

Administering Crown Copyright of Statutes and Regulations
Copyright in the Statutes and Regulations, whether in print or electronic format, belongs to the Province of Alberta and is administered by the Alberta Queen’s Printer. No person may reproduce copies of Alberta Statutes and Regulations for any purpose without the branch’s prior consent.

Operating Queen's Printer Bookstore
The branch operates a bookstore in Edmonton to sell legislation products and department publications and products. With over-the-counter, telephone, fax, mail order and an on-line shopping service, the bookstore efficiently services customers from all over Alberta and beyond. Payment options include Visa, MasterCard, Interac, cheque and account.

To ensure we meet the changing product and service needs of our customers, ongoing satisfaction surveys are conducted.

Coordinating the Depository Library Program
The aim of the Alberta Depository Library Program is to ensure free public access to Alberta government publications and legislation through the province’s public library system. Alberta Queen’s Printer works with all government departments to coordinate the timely distribution of materials to libraries.

Key Contacts
Gisele Abt, Acting Manager
Telephone 780 422-5647; Fax 780 452-0668
Email -

Angela Hamm, Acting Supervisor - Bookstore Administration
Telephone 780 415-8891; Fax 780 452-0668
Email -

Jane Grimstead, Supervisor - Publications and Subscriptions
Telephone 780 415-8893; Fax 780 452-0668
Email -

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