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Alberta Legislation Updates - right to your desktop
Now you can receive updates to Government of Alberta legislation right to your desktop using RSS. Choose to receive all legislation updates or only the updates to legislation administered by certain ministries, and receive the updated information when it's available.

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What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a way to distribute and receive headlines and other web content to your desktop. Instead of having to go back to a website to see what's new, you can have new information delivered to you. The RSS links on the Alberta Queen’s Printer website allow you to receive updates to your desktop.

Why use RSS?
There are a number of benefits to using RSS, including:

You select what news you want. RSS allows you to select the type of news and information you receive from websites.

You determine when you get your news. Once you download your news reader, you can customize it to go and fetch the news every five minutes, or every hour - depending on how you want it.

Cut down on SPAM. Because RSS requires you to download a news reader, you aren't subscribing to e-mail lists, which can increase your risk of getting unwanted SPAM e-mail.

Getting Started
To use RSS, you need to download an RSS reader and install it on your computer. Then, select an RSS feed that you want to begin receiving, and setup a new legislation update feed.

If you are interested in receiving all legislation updates, your RSS reader may support something called OPML. This format allows you to easily set up all feeds from Alberta Queen’s Printer. Or, if you only want legislation updates from select ministries, you can select only to receive this information.

Once you have downloaded your reader and selected the legislation updates you wish to receive, the RSS reader will go to the site you’ve selected and download legislation update headlines and links to your RSS reader.

Find an RSS reader
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