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NOW AVAILABLE - Annotated FOIP Binder November 2007 Update

For only $49.95 plus GST, keep your Annotated FOIP Binder current with the November 2007 Update.

This Update includes:
- additions to the “Commentary” of findings and interpretations of the Commissioner’s Orders
- corrections of, and the addition of, Orders to the Section index
- correction of, and the addition of, new Orders to the Summary of Orders
- changes to the index

A new binder, complete with the November 2007 update, may be purchased for only $105.00 plus GST.

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NEW RELEASE - Enforcement Package (January 2008)

In addition to the complete Specified Penalty Listing (October 1, 2007), the Enforcement Package contains related legislation in pamphlet format, including: Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act; Police Act; Residential Tenancies Act; Traffic Safety Act; Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation; Trespass to Premises and more.

The Enforcement Package is available for $74.95 plus GST.

Prefer to have the information on your PC? Then purchase the newly updated Enforcement CD-ROM (January 2008) for only $49.95 plus GST.

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NEWLY UPDATED - OHS Code Explanation Guide (November 30, 2007)

Updated to November 30, 2007, this item comes with changes to 12 Parts of the 2006 OHS Code Explanation Guide. The OHS CD-ROM has also been updated to reflect these changes.

- 2007 OHS Code Explanation Guide --- $114.95
- OHS Code Explanation Guide (2007 Update) --- $39.95
- 2007 OHS CD-ROM --- $49.95
- OHS Code Explanation Guide 2006/2007 Update Package --- $94.95 (limited quantities)

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NEW RELEASE - Court Calendar 2008

Ensure you’re on top of the 2008 court sitting dates and listings of presiding judges with the 2008 Court Calendar. This publication also includes Alberta Justice Court Services Programs, docket sittings, a court directory, and relevant maps.

Get yours for only $8.00 plus GST.

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BRING YOUR BOOKS UP TO DATE - Rules of Court Update 28

Bring your Alberta Rules of Court binder set up to date with a package containing Update 28 (December 2007). The package is available from Alberta Queen’s Printer for only $15.50 plus GST.

The complete Binder set, including this most recent update, sells for $88.00 plus GST.

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NOW AVAILABLE - Asbestos Abatement Manual (May 2007)

The Alberta Asbestos Abatement Manual (May 2007), available for only $21.50 plus GST, details the principles to be followed when choosing the most appropriate techniques for the safe abatement of asbestos-containing materials. It also provides basic information on asbestos and asbestos products, health hazards, requirements for worker protection, safe work procedures, inspection criteria, applicable legislation and competency profiles for those persons involved in abatement activities.

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NOW AVAILABLE - Apartment Vacancy and Rental Cost Survey 2007

Conducted by Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing, this survey provides the housing industry, private sector, and various government departments and agencies with essential housing information on private market vacancy and rental rates in multi-family rental dwellings in Alberta.

The annual survey covers communities with a population of over 1,000 and have 30 or more rental units. It identifies building type, building age, unit type, number of units, rental rates and number of vacancies in 63 Alberta communities. The survey does not include communities that are surveyed by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

Copies of the 2007 Alberta Apartment Vacancy and Rental Cost Survey may be purchased for $15.00 plus GST.

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NEW RELEASE - Specified Penalty Listing Booklet (October 1, 2007)

The recently updated Specified Penalty Listing Booklet, current to October 1, 2007, is now available from Alberta Queen’s Printer for only $12.00 each plus GST.

Handy, pocket-sized, and newly updated with the most current legislation, the Specified Penalty Listing Booklet can be purchased alone or as part of the Enforcement Package, or access it on the new Enforcement CD ROM (October 31, 2007).

The Enforcement Package and the Enforcement CD ROM contain all of the legislation necessary for law enforcement professionals to carry out their jobs. These items sell for $74.95 and $49.95, respectively.

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