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Government Publications

Alberta government publications are published by individual departments.

The following information is designed to help you locate particular government publications. The listing is provided for convenience only.

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To access or obtain any of the publications listed, contact the administering government department or one of Alberta's Depository Libraries. Please contact your local library for availability.

Selected government publications are available for sale through the Alberta Queen's Printer. See our on-line Catalogue.

Publications published prior to 1995 may be accessed through the:

Alberta Legislature Library
216 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6
Phone: 780 427-2473
Fax: 780 427-6016

Some government departments have their own publications accessible on the Internet.
(Links provided as they become available)

Advanced Education and Technology
Agriculture and Food
Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (AEUB)
Children's Services
Corporate Human Resources
Economic Development
Employment, Immigration and Industry
Environmental Appeals Board
Health and Wellness
Infrastructure and Transportation
International, Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Relations
Justice and Attorney General
Municipal Affairs and Housing
Natural Resources Conservation Board
Northern Alberta Development Council
Office of Chief Electoral Officer
Service Alberta
Seniors and Community Supports
Solicitor General and Public Security
Sustainable Resource Development
Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture

Publications from
other governments.

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