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Catalogue Help

The Alberta Queen’s Printer on-line Catalogue provides you secure, easy-to-use public access to Alberta’s laws and government publications.

The Catalogue allows you to view the laws in HTML format for no charge or to purchase fully formatted copies (MS Word/WordPerfect/Excel) for download to your computer or delivery. Select Alberta government publications and other Alberta Queen’s Printer products are also available for purchase and delivery.

Searching the Catalogue

From the home page, enter the product name (complete or partial name) in the field provided under "Catalogue Search" and select the Search button. Or, select the "List Acts" or "List Regulations" buttons.

For additional search functions, select the More options link. The other options allow you to -

Search alphabetically - choose the corresponding first letter of the product you seek from the drop down box and select the Search button.

Search by title - enter the product name (complete or partial name) in the space provided and select the Search button.

Search by Chapter/Regulation number - enter the Chapter or the Regulation number in the space provided and select the Search button.

Chapters are cited as… letter-number RSA 2000 (eg. A-1 RSA 2000)
Regulations are cited as… number/year (eg. 272/1996)

Search by ISBN number - enter the ISBN number (with no dashes) in the space provided and select the Search button.

Display by responsible ministry - choose a government department from the drop down box and select the Search button to view a listing of all products administered by that department.

List all Acts/List all Regulations - select the Search button under the appropriate title for a complete alphabetical listing of all Acts or Regulations.

If you search alphabetically, or use the “Display by responsible ministry” or “List all Acts/List all Regulations” options, you can choose to "View All” results or just "Acts”, “Regulations” or “ Other Products” from the proceeding search results screen.

Viewing Documents/Adding Products to Shopping Cart

Once the results of your search are returned and you have located the product you require, choose it by selecting the product’s name. Once the product information is on the screen, select the -

>>View this document link under the product to view it in HTML format. If there is no link, the product is available for purchase only. To return to the Catalogue after viewing a document, select your browser’s “Back” button.

Ship product link in the “Add to Cart” box to place the product in your shopping cart for purchase. Once purchased, the product will be delivered by mail to you.

Download MS Word, Download WordPerfect or Download Excel link in the “Add to Cart” box to place the product in your shopping cart for purchase. Once purchased, you will be able to download the product to your computer and it will emailed to you. If there is no “download” link, the product is available for delivery by mail only.

Shopping Cart

After selecting a product for purchase, it will be added to your shopping cart. To add more products to your cart, continue browsing the Catalogue and choose your products. The Catalogue will keep a record of the products being added to your cart. To view the products in your shopping cart, select the Your Cart button.

Once you have finished shopping, select the Checkout button or the Go to Checkout link to proceed with purchasing.

The “Shopping Cart” screen will provide a list of all products to be mailed and downloaded and the purchase total for each. If required, adjust the quantity of each product ordered in the “Quantity” box to receive the number of copies you want.

Shipping and handling (if applicable) and GST will be added to your order prior to completion.

Shipping and Handling Policy

Your order will be processed within two business days of receiving it. Orders are delivered via Canada Post - Regular Parcel. Orders placed by Government of Alberta departments are delivered via government courier.

Shipping and handling is included on orders delivered within Alberta. A minimal shipping and handling fee is applied to orders delivered outside of Alberta.

Shipping and handling fees for shipment outside Alberta (but within Canada):

- $6.00 plus GST on orders of $19.99 or less
- $10.00 plus GST on orders of $20.00 or more

Shipping and handling fees for shipment outside Canada:

- Shipping and handling for international orders will be determined at the time of shipment and based on weight and delivery location. The shipping and handling fee will be added to the purchase charges.

Discount Policy

Discounts of 20% of the retail price apply to purchases of 100 copies or more of a particular Act or Regulation pamphlet and other select Alberta Queen’s Printer products.

Discounts of 25% of the retail price apply to purchases of 500 copies or more of a particular Act or Regulation pamphlet and other select Alberta Queen’s Printer products.

For orders of 1000 copies or more, the discount will be assessed individually.

Products may be removed from your shopping cart by setting their quantity to “0” and selecting the Update Cart button. To clear your entire shopping cart, select the Empty Cart button.

To add more products to your shopping cart, select the Continue Shopping button and you will be returned to the Catalogue.

To proceed with your purchase, select the Proceed to Checkout >> button.

Registered QP Online Account

Customers with a registered QP Online Account may purchase products online using their Alberta Queen's Printer account number.

If you have a QP Account and want to register for online purchases, or would like to apply for a QP Account, please contact Alberta Queen's Printer at or (780) 427-4952 (toll free by first dialing 310-0000).

Your Information

Upon selecting the Proceed to Checkout >> button, you will be presented with a shipping information page. To continue with your purchase, fill out the required shipping information and select the Confirm Your Order button. Fields marked with an “*” are mandatory fields to assist us in providing you with the service you require.

Add any special instructions in the field provided.

To return to your shopping cart, select the Back to Shopping Cart button.

Shipping Information for Registered QP Online Account Customers

Customers making a purchase using their registered QP Online Account will have their shipping information automatically entered on the “Confirm Your Order” page after selecting the Proceed to Checkout button. Any changes to the shipping information associated with the QP Online Account, must be made in writing to Alberta Queen’s Printer.

Making Payment

Review your order and shipping information on the “Confirm Your Order” page. To change your order and return to your shopping cart, select the Change Your Order button. To revise your shipping information, select the Change Shipping Information button.

Total charges for your purchase will appear in the “Total charges” box. If everything is correct and you are paying by credit card, fill in your credit card information and expiration date, and select the Proceed Now >> button.

Charges for products to be mailed and products to be downloaded will be charged separately.

To cancel your order, select the X Cancel Order button.

Payment Information

Alberta Queen’s Printer products may be purchased from the on-line Catalogue using a MasterCard or Visa. Customers with a registered QP Online Account may purchase products online using their Alberta Queen's Printer account number.

All personal information you provide to complete your transaction is completely secure.

To order using another payment option, please place order by fax (780 452-0668), mail or in-person (Main Floor, Park Plaza, 10611 - 98 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5K 2P7), or telephone (780 427-4952 toll free in Alberta by first dialing 310-0000).

Your Receipt

Once you have submitted your order, you will be presented with a “Receipt” page confirming your purchase.

Important - This page contains your Invoice Number. Please print out this page for tracking reference.

If you have purchased a product(s) to be delivered by mail, your order will be shipped via Canada Post - Regular Parcel within two business days of receiving it.

If you have purchased a product(s) to be downloaded to your computer, locate the product(s) in the “Product to be downloaded” box and select the Download now link.

Downloading Products

After selecting the Download now link, you will be presented with a dialogue box from your Internet browser highlighting that you have started to download a file. To save the product on your computer’s hard drive or a disk, select the Save button. Please note the name of the file and the location where you are saving it for later retrieval. We recommend you save all products for download to your computer’s hard drive or a disk prior to opening.

Documents are in Microsoft Word format (those files ending with “.doc”), WordPerfect 6.1 format (those files ending with “.wpd”), Microsoft Excel (those files ending with “.xls”) or Adobe PDF (those files ending with “.pdf”). Converters within Microsoft Word (Word '95 or newer) can read WordPerfect 6.1 files, however, some formatting may be lost during the conversion. Microsoft Excel files should be viewed using Microsoft Excel.

To ensure you receive the product(s) you have purchased for download, all product(s) will also be emailed to you.

The download process will need to be repeated for each product you have purchased for download.

Need Assistance?

If you require assistance with your order -

Contact us by phone:
780 427-4952
To call toll-free within Alberta, dial 310-0000 then 780 427-4952

Contact us by email:
Email questions or comments will be addressed within one working day
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