SEPAQ, la Société des établissements de plein air du Québec. Le plus grand réseau de nature et de plein air au Québec vous offre - chasse, pêche, chalets, auberges, campings dans les - parcs nationaux, réserves fauniques, centres touristiques, Chic-Chocs, Anticosti, Duchesnay.
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Choose an establishment from among the following networks:

Yurt at L’anse aux Bouleaux Est Cozy interior of a yurt Yurt at L'anse aux Bouleaux Est. A magic spot! Pic Champlain shuttle Havre du Bic
Guided Zodiac excursion Bike ride near Ferme Rioux Hike along the shore near Cap à l'Orignal Winter camping at Pointe aux Épinettes Cap Caribou Lookout
Snowshoeing on a mountainous trail Anse aux Bouleaux East Sea kayak excursion Sunset kayak Lyman Cabin
Feindel Cabin Anse à l'Orignal Anse aux Bouleaux West Baie des Cochonc Baie du Ha Ha
Cap à l'Orignal Havre du Bic Île-aux-Amours Salt marsh Cap à l'Orignal trail
Pointe aux Épinettes Anse aux Bouleaux West A well-deserved break at Le Pékan warming hut View of Cap à l'Enragé from the St. Lawrence
View of l'Anse à l'orignal from Lyman Semi-serviced campsite at the Rioux Campground Spring at the mouth of Rivière-du-Sud-Ouest Reception office and parking lot at Rivière-du-Sud-Ouest
Winter view of l'Anse à l'Orignal from Ferme Rioux Raoul-Roy Lookout Snowshoeing to Île-aux-Amours Wildlife observation Seal observation at the Parc national du Bic, an activity you won't want to miss (Bas-Saint-Laurent)
Great blue heron Cap-à-l'Orignal summer camp View from Anse-à-Damase, near the Feindel house Snowshoeing Cliffs at Cap-à-l'Orignal
Interpretation Center La Citadelle Lookout Archeological trail Cycling on the Portage trail View from boat basin and boat launch
View from Pic Champlain lookout Common eider Wildlife observation near the Rioux farm Wildlife observation at Anse aux Bouleaux Ouest cove Rivière-du-Sud-Ouest Falls
Rioux Farm Cycling in the Ferme Rioux sector      


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