SEPAQ, la Société des établissements de plein air du Québec. Le plus grand réseau de nature et de plein air au Québec vous offre - chasse, pêche, chalets, auberges, campings dans les - parcs nationaux, réserves fauniques, centres touristiques, Chic-Chocs, Anticosti, Duchesnay.
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Shelters for lunch along the Jupiter Canoeing on the Jupiter...impressive! Nice catch! The meaning of stillness A photo for posterity
Trench #9 - Rivière à la Loutre Choosing the best fly... an art! The guide scans the river A silent visitor! A guide who cares about the angler's success
A smile worth a thousand words... At night... relaxation! The Jupiter River is renowned for its clean water A setting worthy of its visitors Lunch becomes a feast
The Jupiter-12 lounge A trench on Rivière à la Loutre Pleasant memories A meaningful smile… Yum yum!
Shared pleasures… Here it is… Happy memory! A memorable moment! Lake fishing in June
Great fishing!        

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