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Nos bulletin

Whether you like vacationing, fishing, outdoor activities or hunting, a mine of information about Sépaq’s products and services can now be delivered directly to your e-mail address. Just subscribe to one (or all three) of the Sépaq newsletters. Specials, news, important dates, practical advice, etc… each newsletter is designed to meet your needs. To receive all three newsletters, fill out all three forms. Don’t wait! Sign up now!

Vacationing and Outdoor Activities
This newsletter provides information on the products and services offered by the 48 Sépaq-managed establishments - the 22 national parks, 16 wildlife reserves, 8 tourist resorts, and Sépaq Anticosti (vacation destination section). It features vacationing in cabins or hotels, camping, fishing and outdoor and discovery activities.

Distribution: At the beginning of each month.

Hunting in Wildlife Reserves
This newsletter keeps readers up-to-date on products and services offered by the 16 Québec wildlife reserves. The main topics are moose, bear, white-tailed deer, and small game hunting.

Distribution: Every two months (middle of the month).

Hunting at Anticosti Island
In this newsletter, you’ll find information about products and services offered by Sépaq Anticosti, such as white-tailed deer hunting and Atlantic salmon and sea-trout fishing, when this activity is included in a hunting package.

Distribution: 2 to 3 times a year as needed.


 Parks Québec | Québec Wildlife Reserves | Québec Tourist Resorts | Sépaq Anticosti | Chic-Chocs | Aquarium
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