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Outdoor Activities - Summer and Fall


Parc de la Jacques-Cartier has an enviable reputation when it comes to canoe outings. The valley offers an enchanting decor and the river delights beginners and adventure-seekers alike. Suggested itineraries (1 night/2 day trip)
Period: From May 11, 2007 to October 21, 2007.

Equipment rental and shuttle services are available from May 12, 2007, to September 9, 2007. Before June 4 and after September 3, they are available only on week-ends.


What a great way to see the park from another perspective! Whether you are an expert or a beginner, this river school offers 26 km of pure pleasure. Be on the lookout as you go! You will be navigating through the habitats of moose, beaver and Great Blue Heron.
Period: From May 11 to September 16, 2007
Information on the canoe circuits as well as the shuttle's schedule

Rental of equipment for canoeing, kayaking and mini-rafting begins on May 12 and ends on September 9, 2007 (before June 4 and after September 3, 2007, weekends only).
Regulation on River Water Levels

Calm Water Excursion

Families and couples will love paddling in a section of the river that has no rapids. The end of the canoe circuit, located at km 3, is the only place in the park where you can rent a boat (canoe or kayak) by the hour and get authorization for children under 12 to paddle along with you.
Period: From May 11 to October 21, 2007
Equipment rental: From June 24 to Septembre 3, 2007

Day Fishing

Fishing is an integral part of the park's history. Take advantage of your visit to tease the fish, and, who knows, you might have some impressive fish tales to tell when you get back home? Brook trout fishing is possible on Rivière Jacques-Cartier and some lakes in the Épaule and Sautauriski sectors. Sometimes anglers catch parr (small salmon). If this happens, you must put them back in the water, since salmon fishing is prohibited in the park.

Terms and Conditions
Without reservations: Fishing with waders or in canoes on Rivière Jacques-Cartier.

New in 2008 : It is now possible to reserve your day fishing activity 4 months in advance. For example, if you want to fish on June 24, you should reserve on February 24. Online reservations and phone reservations start at 8:30 AM (1 800 665-6527). See Reservation Terms and Conditions and the 2008 Day Fishing brochure to find out when the different bodies of water open for fishing.

Fishing with boats is allowed on lakes Archambault, Épaule and Sautauriski (people of 65 and over are given priority on Lac Sautauriski).

Québec fishing licences and fishing authorization are obligatory. The quota per person is 10 trout. Quotas must be respected, since they determine the length of the fishing season.

Fishing with Cabin Accommodations

To experience the ambiance of the fishing camps of the early 20th century in contemporary comfort, reserve a fishing stay. The Devlin cabins (5) or the renowned Lac à l'Épaule Lodge are made to measure! They can accommodate from 2 to 14 people and they offer a very interesting fishing plan. To make sure you have your choice of dates, register for the random draw, which takes place in October of each year.

Period: From May 25 to September 9, 2007, or until the annual catch quota is reached.


Three cycling trails (hybrid bike) and two roads allow visitors to discover the park's splendors. Over 167 km of trails, ranging from easy to very difficult, are at your disposal.
Period: From May 11 to October 21, 2007


Hikers can admire the park's most spectacular scenery on more than 100 km of trails. Whether along a turbulent river or in the heart of a yellow birch forest, the trails give you access to extraordinary views. Network of hiking trails
Period: From May 11 to October 21, 2007


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