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 Parcs Québec
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Practical Details


Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier is located less than 40 km from Québec City in the in the Laurentian Massif; it may be reached by Route 175. Here is the distance in kilometres between the cities and the entrances of the various park sectors:
Québec City Montréal Chicoutimi
Valley Sector 40 293 171
L'Épaule Sector 60 313 151
Sautauriski Sector 67 320 144

Access and Operating Period

The park is open year round. To better plan your activities, please note the periods during which services are available in each sector.

Sector Service Seasons Access
Valley Sector, kilometre 74
To reach the Discovery and Visitors Centre and have access to the activities and services of the Valley Sector
From May 16 to October 26, 2008
From December 14, 2007 to March 16, 2008
From Route 175, at kilometre 74, take Route de la Vallée over a distance of 10 km
L'Épaule Sector, kilometre 94
To reach Lac à l'Épaule Lodge and have access to the activities and services of this sector of the plateau
From May 16 to October 26, 2008 From Route 175, at kilometre 94, take Routes 10, 101 and 102, depending on your destination
Sautauriski Sector, kilometre 102
To have access to the activities and services of this sector of the plateau
From May 16 to October 26, 2008 From Route 175, at kilometre 102, take Route 12
Note: Operating hours vary according to the period of the year. This winter, the park is open from December 14, 2007 to March 16, 2008. Backcountry skiing, snowshoeing and snow walking are offered with or without accommodations. However, Route de la vallée is closed during winter. Trails are accessible from the entrance to the Vallée sector, located at km 74 on Route 175 or from Camp Mercier, located at km 94.

Public Transit
  • Jean-Lesage International Airport is located in Sainte-Foy, 50 km from the park; car rentals are available.
  • The Québec City intermodal terminal (intercity buses and trains) is located 40 km from the park; car rentals are available.
  • It is also possible to take a bus to get to the park. The Intercar bus company makes 3 round trips a day between Québec City and the Saguenay. Information: 1 888 861-4592.

Access for the Mobility Impaired

The following places are accessible to the mobility impaired:
  • Discovery and Visitors Centre - Valley Sector
  • Camping des Alluvions (washroom building and some campsites)
  • Belleau and Pont Banc picnic areas (washrooms)

To make tourism and culture accessible to persons with limited physical ability.


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