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 Parcs Québec
 Wildlife Reserves
 Tourist Resorts
 Sépaq Anticosti
Conservation Mission


Québec parks are protected areas where everyone can practice a wide array of outdoor activities and benefit from a pleasant stay in a safe setting. Thank you for taking the time to read the general regulations and the regulations governing camping.


Help us protect the natural environment!

You can help us protect and acquire a better knowledge of the natural environment of Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier by reporting any unusual sighting concerning the natural environment to the Interpretation and Visitors Center-Valley Sector, a park warden or by calling (418) 528-8787 (winter) and (418) 848-3169 (summer).

Fish quotas for each body of water determine the length of the season. Ask about how the catches are evolving. The catch limit is 10. You must register your catches (write "0" if you do not catch any fish) when leaving the park and put your results in the designated box.

If the water level is higher that 1.3 metres, nautical activities are limited (nautical equipment rental and rabaska canoe tours). When the water temperature is below 15°C, wearing a dry suit is obligatory. Fédération québécoise du canot et du kayak : Info-débit (in French only).

When listening to music or the radio, you must wear personal headphones.


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