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One picture is worth a thousand words... View from cabin # 6 at Lac Rimouski Swings at the reserve campground View of Lac Dumont from Érablière #1 St-Narcisse Registration Centre
Suspended in time View of the lake from Kedgwick #6 To read and rest with the sun... close to a lake...  on summer... nothing's better! View from Kedgwick #6 Superb landscape
The dock at Érablière #1 Beautiful sight of a country cottage and landscape surrounding it Lay down sun A beaver Cabin at Lac Huguette
Lac Dumont Moose observation site - Lac Rimouski View of the campground - Lac Rimouski Dining room at the Lac Rimouski - American plan Big game hunting with a guide
Fishing in the river at the Réserve faunique de Rimouski (Bas-Saint-Laurent)        


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