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Environment, Energy and Forestry


Environment, Energy and Forestry: Public Water Data
1. Map Tutorial
  • 1. The 'Help/Browse/Search' buttons controls the left portion of the map application. Browse or Search through water sheds, station id's or communities as well as access help files from here.
  • 2. The 'Map Functions' control the right portion of the map application. Functions such as Zoom In/Out, Pan and Information are available using this menu.
  • 3. The 'Map' will display roads, coastlines, rivers, communities and water sheds.
  • 4. The 'Information' window will display information based upon a given plot once the Information button is selected and a point on the map clicked.
  • 5. The 'Reference Map' is to assist with navigation and zoom.
  • 6. The 'Help' documentation displays the basic functionality for Browse and Search.
1. Map Tutorial

2. Browse Tutorial
  • 1. The 'Search' feature performs a case insensitive search on the complete list of water sheds by either Station ID (ex BRR 13) or Station Name (ex Boughton River; Big Run Brook). Click on the Station Name to view it on the map.
2. Browse Tutorial

3. Search Tutorial
  • 1. The 'Browse by Water Shed' feature browses the complete list of water sheds by name (ex Boughton River).
  • 2. The 'Browse by Station Name' feature browses the complete list of water sheds by station name (ex Boughton River; Big Run Brook).
  • 3. The 'Browse by Station ID' feature browses the complete list of water sheds by ID (ex. BRR 13).
  • 4. The 'Browse by Places' feature browses water sheds near a community.
3. Search Tutorial

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