Beaconsfield Historic House is Open Year Round
Hours May Vary - Please Call Ahead

Winter Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 12Noon to 4:00 pm
(other times by appointment)
Call 368-6603 to arrange for school and group tours.

Admission: Adult: $4.25, Student: $3.25, Family: $11.75

The Architecture of Anne’s Land: Place, Memory and the Iconography of Community

Beaconsfield Historic House is pleased to host the annual architectural lecture series presented by the Institute of Island Architectural Studies and Conservation. The series explores a variety of topics relating to Prince Edward Island’s architecture and takes place in Beaconsfield’s Carriage House, Mondays at 7pm. The remaining two lectures will be presented February 4 and February 11. Admission is by donation and light refreshments will be served.
February 4 - Rev. Albin Arsenault - The Restoration of St. John the Baptist Parish Church, Miscouche

February 11 - Fred Hyndman & Rev. Canon Robert Tuck - Bobby Cotton and Bungalows: Economic Architecture

Winter/Spring Dance Evenings
Dance evenings for the Beaconsfield Assembly Dancers will resume on Wednesday, February 6, from 7-9 pm at Beaconsfield’s Carriage House. Anyone interested in participating in these weekly dance classes is invited to attend. No prior dance experience is required and all are welcome - with or without a dance partner. This winter/spring session will continue until early June. The social dances that are learned are from various historical set dancing traditions - Scottish country, English country, quadrilles, and various round dances. Many of the dances are closely related to Acadian and Cape Breton sets and to square dancing as well. The music is a delightful mix of jigs, reels, waltzes, marches, and strathspeys. As in the past, a small weekly donation to Beaconsfield Historic House will be accepted. For more information contact Brenda Porter at beporter@pei.sympatico.ca or 569-5633.

Heritage Week Lectures - Thursday, February 21 at 7:00 pm & Saturday, February 23 at 2:00 pm - Beaconsfield's Carriage House
Beaconsfield Historic House is hosting two lectures during Heritage Week this year.

Thursday February 21 - 7:00 pm - Birgitta Wallace Ferguson, a former Senior Archaeologist with the Atlantic Region of Parks Canada, is well known for her excavations at the L’Anse aux Meadows site in Newfoundland. L’Anse aux Meadows is Leif Eriksson’s base in Vinland and the Straumfjord of Erik the Red’s Saga. The Norse presence in North America was confined to exploration and exploitation of resources. Vinland lay around the coastal regions of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, including coastal Prince Edward Island, stretching from L’Anse aux Meadows and the Strait of Belle Isle in the north to New Brunswick in the south.

Born and raised in Sweden and Denmark, Birgitta Wallace Ferguson has worked with the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburg, was an Adjunct Professor with the University of Pittsburgh’s Anthropology Department, carried out research on the early French and Scots in Acadia and was archaeologist for Prince Edward Island and Kouchibouguac National Parks. She is currently Research Archaeologist Emerita with the Atlantic Service Centre, Parks Canada. She has written many papers and lectures on the subject of the Norse in North America, is a consultant to numerous publishers as well as educational television series. Her most recent publication is entitled “Westward Vikings. The Saga of L'Anse aux Meadows”. The lecture takes place in Beaconsfield’s Carriage House. Admission is by donation and light refreshments will be served.

Saturday, February 23 - 2:00 pm - Hosted in association with the PEI Genealogical Society, well-known Island historian, Dr. Edward MacDonald will present “Who’s Afraid of the Fenians? The Fenian Scare of 1866". In the winter of 1866, Islanders, like other British North Americans, experienced a wave of panic, convinced that the Fenians, Irish-American insurgents hoping to strike a blow at Great Britain in order to win independence for Ireland, were about to stage an attack on Prince Edward Island. Dr. MacDonald will explore the Fenian Scare and how it was exploited by the Island's government to serve its own ends.

Dr. MacDonald is an Associate Professor of History at UPEI, is the former editor of The Island Magazine and was Curator of History for the PEI Museum for many years. He is the author of several books including “If You’re Stronghearted” and has written over a score of articles pertaining to the history and culture of Prince Edward Island. The lecture will be followed by a meeting of the PEI Genealogical Society.

Upcoming Literary Tea
On Sunday, March 9, Beaconsfield’s Carriage House will be the setting for a unique literary tea. Emily Meets Jane will feature presentations of works by British novelist Jane Austen and American poet Emily Dickinson. While enjoying an afternoon tea menu, prepared by Katherine Burnett of Lady Bakers Tea Trolley, guests will be treated to a glimpse of the lives and writings of these two remarkable individuals. For more information call Beaconsfield Historic House at 368-6603.

Tel:(902) 368-6600 www.peimuseum.com EMail : mhpei@gov.pe.ca