SEPAQ, la Société des établissements de plein air du Québec. Le plus grand réseau de nature et de plein air au Québec vous offre - chasse, pêche, chalets, auberges, campings dans les - parcs nationaux, réserves fauniques, centres touristiques, Chic-Chocs, Anticosti, Duchesnay.
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Choose an establishment from among the following networks:

One of our succulent healthy meal A fine meal in a warm atmosphere
A Lodge perched 615m in altitude
One of our succulent healthy meal Your trail takes you along the mountainside. Spectacular scenery everywhere you look! the Lodge...the ultimate peaceful haven Leaving the Lodge for a safe mountain adventure on skis or snowshoes Even your lunch tastes better when the snow is this good!
Glide through a tranquil environment...amid ghostly trees! Be among the first to set out in this fresh snow Experienced guides take you into the mountains The Lodge is surrounded by snowfields Going from peak to peak
Mont Collins and Mont Mattawees dominate the landscape Inside the plane Happy hour Auberge de montagne - exterior Nothing like a cozy fire
Hiking Reading interlude Panache Good times on the agenda Planning the day
A meal in food company Chute Hélène falls East facade - Aerial photo - Winter airport - Group of skiers
Descent in powder snow Skiers climbing the southern face of Mont-Matawees Skiers - Southern face - Mont Matawees Bascon Stream Valley, Mont Coleman A little rest
Moose Southern facade - Aerial photo - Winter Ruisseau Bascon bridge - Caterpillar tractor Chute Hélene falls Southem slope of mont Coleman, Collins and Matawees
Wet land wildlife observation (moose, beaver, etc.) Moose observation site Snowshoer not far from the Lodge, view of the ruisseau Bascon valley Skiing in untamed territory Skiing 900 metres up
Caterpillar tractor in powder snow Intérior of the caterpillar tractor Southem slope of mont Coleman, Collins and Matawees Mont Matawees edge Rivière Cap-Chat valley (mont Nicol-Albert)
A delightful encounter (moose observation site) Barren summit View of the summit of mont Nicol-Albert Alpine touring ski bindings Undergrowth on mont Matawees
Summit of mont Collins Rivière Cap-chat Section of ruisseau Bascon Caribou on the high summits  

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