SEPAQ, la Société des établissements de plein air du Québec. Le plus grand réseau de nature et de plein air au Québec vous offre - chasse, pêche, chalets, auberges, campings dans les - parcs nationaux, réserves fauniques, centres touristiques, Chic-Chocs, Anticosti, Duchesnay.
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Choose an establishment from among the following networks:

Pléiades Hut Andromède Hut La Voie Lactée Hut Fortier Brook Grande Ours Campground
Observing the sun through a telescope Sunset activity Observatories atop Mont-Mégantic Des Crêtes Trailt - Observation deck Weather workshop in front of ASTROLab
Restaurant and ASTROLab Mont St-Joseph Chapel - Intérior Snowshoe trails Mont-Mégantic Public Observatory
Mont-Mégantic Public Observatory Nature Boutique at the Interpretation and Visitors Center Cross country ski trail Tent cabin Snowshoe trail
Astronomical Observatory of Mont-Mégantic Mont-Mégantic Public Observatory  Mont Saint-Joseph chapel  and hut Snowshoe trail
Restaurant Mont-Mégantic Public Observatory Mont Saint-Joseph chapel Self-Interpretation Panel at the summit of Mont Saint-Joseph A view of the village of Notre-Dame-des-Bois from the top of Mont Saint-Joseph
Guided visit of ASTROLab Exhibition room ASTROLab Organized outdoor activities at ASTROLab Guided visit of From the Naked Eye to the Invisible Spectrum, an exhibit on the history of astronomy Group activities at Chariot for the Curious
When the sky is blue... at the Parc national du Mont-Mégantic (Cantons-de-l'Est) White-tailed deer Moose Road leading to the summit of Mont Mégantic Tent platform
Pluton sur Terre Room Mont Saint-Joseph and Mont-Victoria from Val-Racine Fall scene showing the layers of vegetation    


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