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Tourism Industry Monitor

The Tourism Industry Monitor provides historical data series for some key tourism indicators such as room revenue, GDP, revenue and volume estimates, and tourism employment.

Tourism Industry Monitor Annual 2006 169k
[Released June 2007]

Tourism Gross Domestic Product and Employment

GDP and Employment data table

BC's Tourism Sector Picks up Speed in 2005
(from the August 2006 issue of Business Indicators) 178k

Room Revenue

Room revenue is the only statistic that provides detailed geographical breakdowns related to the tourism sector on a monthly basis.

These tables are derived from the annual edition of the Tourism Sector Monitor (formerly Tourism Room Revenue), a monthly publication that tabulates the earnings of the accommodation sector in BC. Please see our Order Form if you would like to subscribe to this periodical.

NOTE: The property and room counts for 2006 included in the previous versions of the annual files below (updated May 2007) were incorrect and have been revised accordingly.

Room Revenue -- Annual 2006 Revised includes annual data for 2002-2006 and monthly data for 2006  [updated December 2007]

Room Revenue -- Annual, 1995-2006 Revised (a comma-delimited text version for download of the annual data from above file, including property and room counts for all years in the series)  [updated December 2007]

Room Revenue -- explanatory notes 

Links to other tourism statistics sites

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