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Surveys and Analysis
The Surveys & Analysis Section was established to conduct surveys and analysis for BC government ministry, crown corporation and agency clients on a cost-recovery basis. Research projects range from client satisfaction surveys to program evaluations to full-blown cross-industry economic impact analyses.

The section is designed to assist government ministries, crown corporations and agencies with the development of surveys from start to finish. This includes providing expert advice on establishing the survey objective, developing the population list, appropriate sampling techniques, designing the questions and the questionnaire, pre-testing the questionnaire, handling field operations, editing and tabulating the data, estimation and weighting techniques, and reporting accurately on the findings.

There are several advantages to using the services of the Special Surveys and Analysis section. The first is confidentiality—BC STATS operates under the Statistics Act which guarantees the confidentiality of individual responses. The second advantage is that BC STATS has a legislated mandate to coordinate the statistical activities of government. By bringing your research project to the attention of BC STATS, we can help you ensure there is no duplication with other ministries or crown corporations or help you find partner organizations to share the cost of the research as appropriate. Working with the Surveys and Analysis section allows government to save time and money—most government clients set up a simple memorandum of understanding with us and our billing is only on a cost-recovery basis.

If your branch is planning or considering a survey or other research project, you should try to answer our list of questions for those planning a survey. After that, if you would like some assistance with your project, we will meet with you at no charge to discuss the particulars of the project and how we might be of assistance.
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