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British Columbia's Heartland
at the Dawn of the 21st Century

2001 Economic Dependencies and
Impact Ratios for 63 Local Areas

— Released in January, 2004

From the Preface:
This report was prepared to provide economists in the province of British Columbia with up-to-date consistent information on the local economies in the rural areas of the province and to help in the estimation of the economic impacts of changes in those local economies. It is the latest in a series of reports that use data from the Canadian Census and other sources.

You may view this document in Adobe Acrobat PDF formPDF in two versions: as one, large file, or by individual chapters.

Local Area Economic Dependency tables

  • for Land Resource Management Plan (LRMP) areas - 184 k

    This set of tables was produced for the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM) as a supplement to "British Columbia’s Heartland at the Dawn of the 21st Century - 2001 EconomicDependencies and Impact Ratios for 63 Local Areas". The same database and methodology have been utilized except that the results are for LRMP areas rather than the local areas defined in the main report.

    Table 1:  
    Table 2:  
  • for Forest Districts - 321 k
  • for Health Service Delivery Areas - 178 k
  • for Health Authorities - 164 k

Article: Estimating Economic Impacts for the British Columbia Forest Sector -- 270k

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