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Manufacturers' Directory

BCMD On-Line Frequency: Paper edition-Annual
Diskette edition-Continuously updated
Web edition -- Continuously updated, no charge

The Directory lists 4,800 manufacturing companies in 257 industries in British Columbia. It puts 600 pages of cross-referenced information at your finger-tips. Search by company name, product type, industry or location.

The Directory is now available on-line at www.made-in-bc.ca. The site is free to use.

The Directory continues to be available in print for $45, and on diskette for $350. Canadian residents add GST. British Columbia residents also add PST.

The electronic file is an extract from the database that is the basis of the Web-enabled version of the British Columbia Manufacturers' Directory. The extract is provided as a CSV file (comma separated values.) Each record is contained in a distinct row. Each field is a column. Some columns, such a 'product', may contain multiple values separated by semicolons. This file replaces the VB/Access product previously released by BC Stats. The file is provided on diskette or by email. Field definitions are available through the Web-enabled version of the Directory.

BC Manufacturers' Directory

All information has been verified by BC Stats, saving you time and money.

Develop great new business leads!

Locate potential suppliers by mail, fax or phone call (and by name and title) before you make that first in-person approach!

Identify potential sales prospects on the basis of their location, products, export interest and more!

  • web edition: no charge
  • paper: $45
  • diskette: $350; download a sample in CSV format.
  • Please see the Manufacturers' Directory order form for more details.
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