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Labour and Income

Frequently Asked Questions

Labour Force: Employment, Unemployment, Related Rates

Labour Force Statistics Monthly Publication

Current Monthly Release

One-page summary extract of labour data for BC and Canada

Previous Articles

Labour Force Statistics for Target Groups



Labour Force Annual Characteristics

BC and Canada [PDF] [CSV]

Metropolitan Abbotsford, Vancouver, and Victoria [PDF] [CSV]

Selected BC Cities [PDF] [CSV]

BC Development Regions [PDF] [CSV]

Employment by Industry

Detailed Industry, BC: NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) [PDF] [CSV]

Development Regions, Metropolitan Areas [PDF] [CSV]

British Columbia, Class of Worker and Gender [PDF] [CSV]

Thematic Maps:
BC Unemployment Rates by Development Region and Urban Area

Earnings and Employment Trends Monthly Publication

Current Monthly Release

One-page summary extract of earnings by province

Previous Articles

Salaries and Wages by Occupation

Link to: Service Canada

Other Employment and Income Data

Regional Employment Projections

BC Personal Income and Disposable Income from the BC Economic Accounts

Quick Facts About British Columbia. (PDF)

The Census provides small area, family household and individual income

Community Facts: Regional Districts and communities

Socio-Economic Profiles and Indices: Regional Districts, Local Health Areas and College Regions

Aboriginal Peoples Statistical Profiles by College Region

Taxfiler income tables provide taxfiler demographics and income for various geographic breakouts

Publications and Reports

A Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market

Employment Equity in the BC Government - Reports and Publications (BC Public Service Agency)

BC Labour Force Participation Rate Model

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