Purchase Publications
and Periodicals

Click on the links at left for a description of the products.

Note: Data tables are available on day of release. Associated articles may be published with a delay. You will receive the article and tables available at the time of purchase. We indicate a single Issue date if the article and data are in synch -- otherwise the date of the data will be noted in parentheses.

Monthly Periodicals
Title Article Issue
(Data Issue)
Cost Purchase 
Current Statistics: Jan 08 $5.00 Current Statistics
Business Indicators: Jan 08 $5.00 Business Indicators
Consumer Price Index: Dec 07 $5.00 Consumer Price Index
Exports (BC Origin): Nov 07 $5.00 Exports (BC Origin)
Tourism Sector Monitor: Jan 08 $5.00 Tourism Sector Monitor
Earnings and Employment Trends: Jan 08 $5.00 Earnings and Employment Trends
Labour Force Statistics: Jan 08 $5.00 Labour Force Statistics

Quarterly Periodicals
Title Current Issue Cost Purchase 
Immigration Highlights: 3rd Q 07 $7.50 Immigration Highlights
Migration Highlights: 3rd Q 07 $7.50 Migration Highlights
Quarterly Regional Statistics 3rd Q 07 (depends on

Occasional and Annual Publications
Title Current Issue Cost Purchase 
Provincial Economic Multipliers and How to Use Them: April 2007 $75.00 Provincial Economic Multipliers
Population Projections (P.E.O.P.L.E.) P-32,
August 2007
(depends on

All prices are in Canadian funds.
All publications purchased in Canada subject to 5% GST.
** Indicates publications purchased in British Columbia subject to 7% PST.
Prices subject to change without notice. No refunds or exchanges. GST #107864738

  View more publications for sale at BC Publications Index

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If you require assistance, please contact Kris Ovens at (250) 387-0359

Updated 2006 BC Stats