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Statistical Profiles of Aboriginal Peoples

These profiles provide comparisons of the socio-economic conditions of the on-reserve and off-reserve Aboriginal populations as well as the non-Aboriginal population, using Census Custom tabluations from Statistics Canada.

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Cautionary Note

There were very large increases in the number of persons identifying as Aboriginal peoples between the 1996 and 2001 Censuses, an increase well above what would be expected from natural increase. The explanation of why the growth is so high is that the willingness of Aboriginal people to identify has been increasing over time, particularly among those over 35 years of age and the Métis.

Therefore any comparisons made between Censuses of the characteristics of Aboriginal people, such as their unemployment rates or educational attainment, should be done with caution as change may be due primarily to the difference in who identified between the two periods.

 Population % Chg.
British Columbia 2001

Aboriginal 170,020 139,655 21.7
 North American Indian 118,290 107,375 10.2
 Métis 44,265 25,575 73.1
 Other 7,470 6,705 11.4
Non-aboriginal 3,698,850 3,550,100 4.2

For more information on cautions and comparability, please see cautions.pdf [10k].

Statistics Canada information is used with the permission of Statistics Canada. Users are forbidden to copy the data and redisseminate them, in an original or modified form, for commercial purposes, without the expressed permission of Statistics Canada. Information on the availability of a wide range of data from Statistics Canada can be obtained from Statistics Canada's Regional Offices, its Web site at http://www.statcan.ca, and its toll-free access number 1-800-263-1136.


These profiles are produced by BC Stats with funding support from the British Columbia Ministries of Advanced Education, Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services, Health, and Human Resources, Statistics Canada, and BC Stats.
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