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Compliance & Enforcement

The Agricultural Land Commission has established its first ever dedicated compliance and enforcement section. Two uniformed compliance and enforcement officers have been appointed in conjunction with the appointment of a coordinator. The ALC welcomes Ron MacLeod and Thomas Loo as field officers and introduces Gordon Bednard as acting coordinator. Together these individuals will conduct compliance, enforcement and monitoring activities to ensure land in the Agricultural Land Reserve is not used inappropriately. The ALC’s compliance and enforcement section will work closely with its local government partners as well as with government ministries to ensure the preservation of ALR land.

The ALC has a legislative mandate to ensure activities occurring in the ALR are consistent with the Agricultural Land Commission Act, regulation and orders of the Commission. ALR lands are situated throughout British Columbia and total approximately 4.7 million hectares.

ALC 2006/07 Annual Business Report

The Agricultural Land Commission is pleased to introduce a new format for its annual business reporting document. The document reflects the work of the Commission over the past fiscal year and includes general background information on the ALC and ALR, statistics, examples of applications considered in each region of the province and planning exercises the Commission participated in.

Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve - Tsawwassen Golf and Country Club

Decision Letter

Commission Service Plan

Community Planning Guidelines are written for local governments preparing new and updated plans and bylaws affecting lands in the ALR.

Delegation to Local Government
Powers for local governments to make decisions on subdivisions and non-farm land use applications. [ Information Kit ]

Soil Removal and Fill Placement in the Agricultural Land Reserve are designated as non-farm uses requiring an application in the Act. The Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation establishes an entirely new results-based process and also provides for certain exemptions.
[ Surrey leads the way to stop illegal fill dumping ]

Agricultural Land Commission Act
Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation
ALR Statistics
Application Forms
Applicant Info Package
Applications for oil and gas activities in the ALR
FAQs About the ALR
Information for Local Governments
Information on recent Commission decisions
Maps for the ALR - Nov 14
What is Agricultural Land
How Do I ...

The Minister
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Oil and Gas Commission
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