Ministry Headquarters/Branches Web Sites

BC Timber Sales

BC Timber Sales WWW FTP TEL  
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Corporate Services Division

Finance & Management Services Branch FTP TEL  
Information Management Group WWW FTP TEL  
Organizational Development Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Strategic Policy & Planning Branch WWW FTP TEL  
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Forest Stewardship Division

Forest Analysis & Inventory Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Forest Practices Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Forest Science Program WWW  
Ministry of Forests Library WWW TEL  
Research Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Tree Improvement Branch WWW FTP TEL  
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Mountain Pine Beetle Emergency Response

Mountain Pine Beetle Emergency Response TEL  
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Operations Division

Compliance & Enforcement Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Nursery Services Section WWW TEL  
Protection Program WWW FTP TEL  
Range Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Region & District Home Pages
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Tenure & Revenue Division

Aboriginal Affairs Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Economics & Trade Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Resource Tenures & Engineering Branch WWW FTP TEL  
Revenue Branch WWW FTP TEL  
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* WWW - world wide web site
* FTP - file transfer protocol - FTP Server Guide
* TEL - telephone directory - includes mailing addresses and email