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Recent Releases and Release Schedule
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Release target dates for statistical bulletins from BC Stats:


January 30 25 31 11 11 11 31
February 27 19 28 8 8 14 29 12
March 26 18 27 7 7 11 3127 27
April 30 17 4 4 10 30
May 28 21 1, 29 9 9 9 30 5
June 25 19 26 6 6 10 3026 26
July 30 23 31 11 11 11 31
August 27 21 28 8 8 12 29 20
September 24 23 25 5 5 11 3025 25
October 29 24 30 10 10 10 31
November 26 21 27 7 7 13 28 3
December 28 19 29 5 5 11 3118 18


January 28 23 29 ? ? 13 30
February 25 20 26 ? ? 11 27 2
† Tentative release schedule

Abbreviation Key:
BCBI: BC Business Indicators CPI: Consumer Price Index
CS: Current Statistics EET: Earnings and Employment Trends
Exp: Exports Imm: Immigration Highlights
LFS: Labour Force Statistics MPI: Major Projects Inventory
Mig: Migration Highlights QRS: Quarterly Regional Statistics
TSM: Tourism Sector Monitor

For a schedule of release dates from Statistics Canada,
please go to: http://www.statcan.ca/english/Release/

Recent Releases

07 February 2008 —  Economic Statistics
Building Permits -Update to 2007 preliminary

06 February 2008 —  Economic Statistics
Bankruptcies -by Major Urban Centre - Update

06 February 2008 —  Economic Statistics
Housing Starts -Urban Areas and Communities - Update

05 February 2008 —  Business and Industry
Small Business Counts and Employment: 1990 to 2006 - New Data Table

30 January 2008 —  Economic Statistics
House Sales -BC Multiple Listings - Update

30 January 2008 —  Economic Statistics
Selected Economic Statistics - Update

30 January 2008 —  Economic Statistics
Licensed Motor Vehicles - Update

25 January 2008 —  Economic Statistics
Consumer Price Index -Annual Averages, Monthly Data, Annual Averages of Selected Items - Update

10 January 2008 —  Economic Statistics
Incorporations —Communities, Regional Districts, and Development Regions - Update

25 January 2008 —  Census 2006
Census 2006 Fast Facts - Topical articles using Census 2006 data

22 January 2008 —  Business and Industry
Input Indicators of the British Columbia High Technology Sector - 2007 Edition

16 January 2008 —  Regional and Community Facts
Community Facts - Updates/revisions to municipal population, updates to incorporations

14 January 2008 —  Labour and Income
Updates/revisions to: Labour Force Annual Characteristics; Employment by Industry

11 January 2008 —  Exports and Imports
Softwood Lumber Export Data Updated to November

03 January 2008 —  Census 2006
Topic Tables

03 January 2008 —  Regional Data
Area Profiles

19 December 2007 —  Population and Demographics
Municipal and Regional District Population Estimates - 2007

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