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Infoline Archives, 2000
Each file below contains the complete contents of the Infoline issue for that date. The title shown is that of the report included in the issue. All articles are in Adobe Acrobat format.

07 JanWorking for small employers
14 JanIncome characteristics of recent immigrants
21 JanAbsenteeism
28 JanBC's economic performance in the 1990s
04 FebTrade imbalances growing within NAFTA
11 FebNew measures of international migration
18 FebRevisions to the Labour Force Survey
25 FebWorking arrangements of couples
03 MarGrowing cross-border trade in agricultural food products
10 MarThe lifecycle of high-tech firms
17 MarEmployment by industry
24 MarHigh tech births
31 MarEducational attainment and labour market outcomes
07 AprBC trade becoming more continental than global
14 AprIncome characteristics of recent immigrants
20 AprEducation levels of the prime age workforce
28 AprBC good export growth among lowest in Canada
05 MayProvincial Electoral District Profiles - March 2000
12 May755,000 reply on small business for jobs
19 MayInternational travel entries in the 1990s
26 MayBC labour market update for youth aged 15-24
02 JunUS continues substantial log exports in 1999
09 JunBC's food services and drinking places industry
16 JunBC Population Projections
23 JunSocioeconomic Profiles
30 JunBC Teachers--Are we facing a major shortage?
07 JulAn Overview of Fisheries and Aquaculture in BC
14 Jul1990s saw new markets & products for BC exports
21 JulParticipation rates of BC women, 1976 to 1999
28 JulInternet usage in BC
04 AugHigh technology input indicators, the 1990s
11 AugBC shipping smaller portion of Canadian forestry exports
18 AugRecent changes in BC's immigration levels
25 AugMigration and housing demand
01 SeptBC's high technology sector
08 SeptSummer student labour market - July 2000
15 SeptWhat has free trade meant for BC exporters?
22 SeptGood news in BC unemployment rates
29 SeptSport fishing in BC
06 OctEmployment equity
13 OctBusiness migration from British Columbia
20 OctBC employment by industry: a ten-year perspective
27 OctValue-added wood exports
03 NovBC's aquaculture industry
10 NovIncome and income distributions
17 NovServices produced trade surplus
24 NovOccupations of recent immigrants to BC
01 DecMigration of rural youth
08 DecAverage weekly wage rates
15 DecEvolution of the BC labour force
22 DecTourism sector GDP and employment

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