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Links: Government Sites, Canada and Provinces

Canadian Flag Government of Canada

Canada Revenue Agency

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Department of Finance

Extensive list of Federal Organizations

Industry Canada

Natural Resources Canada

Parliament of Canada

Supreme Court of Canada

Provinces and Territories

BC FlagBritish Columbia

Extensive links to British Columbia:

BC Government Directory

Legislative Assembly

Local Government Information Sharing and Service

Ministries and Organizations

Municipal and Regional Governments

Vital Statistics

Alberta Flag
Manitoba Flag
Ontario Flag
Quebec Flag
New Bruns. Flag
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia Flag
Nova Scotia
PEI Flag
Prince Edward
Newfoundland Flag
Newfoundland and
NWT Flag
Yukon Flag
Nunavut Flag

Canadian FlagCanadian Government Statistical Offices

Stats CanStatistics Canada

2001 CensusCensus 2006 Information

Bank of Canada: Weekly Financial Statistics

Canada Revenue Agency: Income Statistics

Vital Stats, B.C. Ministry of Health

Provincial Government Statistical Bureaus


Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island

Québec [English] [Français]

Ontario (Finance)




Northwest Territories

WorldStatistical Offices in Rest of World

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Centre for International Statistics, Canadian Council on Social Development

Direction de l'Éducation et de la Prospective - France


OECD - Statistics Directorate

Statistics Finland

Statistics Netherlands

Statistics New Zealand

Statistics Norway

Statistics Singapore

STAT-USA at US Department of Commerce

United Nations Statistics Division

US Bureau of the Census

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Population Statistics Sites

American Demographics

CIESIN: US Demography - Web Reference

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada: Statistics

Ministry of the Attorney General: Multicultural Profiles

Population Division: US Census Bureau: International Data Base (IDB)

Population Index: Office of Population Research, Princeton University

Project GeoSim: Human Population (HumPop) and International Population (IntlPop)

Sociology Department of Queens College, CUNY

Statistics Canada: Population Components Tables

United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN)

US Census Bureau's American FactFinder page

US Population Division Home Page

Tourism Statistics

British Columbia

Tourism British Columbia is the provincial Crown Corporation responsible for promoting British Columbia as a preferred travel destination to the world. Tourism BC's Research Services department is responsible for collecting, evaluating and disseminating statistics and other information on tourism markets, trends, employment, programs and activities."

Marketing Research at Tourism Vancouver has a wealth of information about the tourism sector in the city, and the travellers who visit.

Outdoor Recreation Council of BC has publications that can be downloaded from the site including research related to outdoor recreation.

Canada and the rest of the world

Statistics Canada's website contains statistical information that pertains to tourism.

The Daily often includes a summary of recently released statistics that pertain to tourism.
The Products and Services section contains:

  • Downloadable publications, including International Travel, Travel Between Canada and Other Countries (Touriscope) (catalogue number 66-201-XIB) and Travel-log (Touriscope) (catalogue number 87-003-XIB).
  • Online statistics, notably the CANSIM database. Of particular interest here are data on travel (travel to and from Canada by country of origin), and the industries that provide services to tourists: accommodation, food and beverage service, and amusement and recreation service industries.

The Canadian Tourism Commission has a website that includes some statistics and research reports. The site also contains ordering information for tourism publications.

The World Tourism Organization (WTO) has an online statistics service and many tourism statistics publications; descriptions and ordering information can be found at the site.

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has some "key statistics" from a global perspective, a "travel and tourism tax barometer" (measuring taxation by 52 world destinations, including Vancouver), and many other research papers.

Tourism research links, courtesy of Tourism Montreal.

Other tourism sites of interest: British Columbia

These sites do not necessarily contain any statistics, but have information about the tourism sector in British Columbia.

The Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts is the provincial ministry responsible for the tourism sector.

BC Parks, a division of the Ministry of Environment, has a statistics page which includes visitation statistics.

Other tourism sites of interest: elsewhere

Australian Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources has statistics on tourism in Australia.

Other Sources of Statistical Data


BC Ferries

Port of Vancouver

Port of Vancouver: Trade and Commodity statistics

Trade Data Online (Strategis)

Vancouver Airport Authority

Vancouver Airport Authority: Cargo Statistics

Financial/Monetary Information

Bank of Canada

Bankruptcy Statistics

Election & Riding Information

British Columbia (Provincial Electoral Districts)- Elections BC

Canada (Federal Electoral Districts) - Elections Canada

Geography/Natural Resources

BC Fisheries

BC Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources

Canada Department of Fisheries

Geographical Names

Mineral Statistics

Natural Resources Canada

Housing Starts/Housing Market Information

Canadian Mortgage & Housing Corporation (CMHC).

Health Information

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Health Canada

Vital Statistics

Income/Tax Data

Canada Revenue Agency

Tax Statistics on Individuals

USA Data

Bureau of the Census

Bureau of Labour Statistics

Federal Reserve Board

Other Research Avenues

BC Municipalities

UVIC Library Gateway

Economic Development

Economic Development Commissions:

BC Economic Development Directory

Central Okanagan Valley Regional District

City of Nanaimo Economic Development Office

Cowichan Valley Economic Development Commission

Greater Vancouver Regional District

Greater Victoria Economic Development Commission

North Peace Economic Development Commission

Prince Rupert Economic Development Commission

Terrace Economic Development Authority

Vancouver Economic Development Commission

Venture Kamloops: Thompson-Nicola Tourism & Economic Development Society


BC Chamber of Commerce

Business Development Bank of Canada

Business Squamish

Canada/BC Business Service Centre


Export Development Canada

Forum for International Trade Training

International Business Opportunities Centre

Invest British Columbia

Ministry of Economic Development

Slovakia-British Columbia Business Portal

Policy Research

BC Competition Council

C.D. Howe Institute

Caledon Institute of Social Policy

Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives

Canadian Council on Social Development

Canadian Policy Research Network

Canadian Social Research

Canadian Tax Foundation

Centre for Collaborative Government

Centre for Economic and Policy Research (USA)

Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, U.B.C

Centre for the Study of Living Standards

The Conference Board of Canada

The Fraser Institute

Global Policy Forum

Government of Canada: Policy Research Initiative

Human Resources and Social Development Canada - Publications

Institute for Research on Public Policy

Social Planning and Research Council of BC

Vanier Institute of the Family

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