The Gallery of our Ancestors
The exhibition, The Gallery of our Ancestors: Renaissance of a People , is on display until mid-April 2008. This exhibition features a magnificent collection of 80 charcoal portraits and photos of a large number of Island Acadian ancestors. All these portraits and photos, most in beautiful old frames, are from the Acadian Museum’s collection and have been generously donated by various family members since the opening of the museum in 1964. The charcoal portraits were done in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The exhibition represents 17 of the approximately 30 different Acadian family names which can be found on the Island today. This exhibit is particularly relevant in 2008, the 250th anniversary of the Deportation of Island Acadians. These ancestral portraits are a link between the Acadian’s past history and the present day Acadian communities. They are witness to the renaissance of a people following the tragic event of the Deportation. In fact, about 15 of the charcoal portraits are the faces of Acadians born between 1792 and 1832, whose grandparents lived through the Deportation of 1758. In his remarks at the exhibit opening, Dr. David Keenlyside, Executive Director of Museum and Heritage P.E.I., referred to the ancestral portraits as " windows into the past" and " a testimonial to the survival of Island Acadians". The Acadian Museum of PEI is always interested in continuing to receive donations of charcoal portraits or photos which represent all the Island Acadian families. However, in order to fill a gap in its collection, the Acadian Museum would be especially pleased to acquire portraits/ photos of ancestors from the following families: Pitre (Peters), Chiasson (Chaisson), Bernard, Aucoin (Wedge), Blanchard, Blacquière, Cormier, Daigle (Deagle), Barriault, Maddix, Caissie, Chevarie (Cheverie), Buote, Richard, Martin and LeClair.

Permanent Exhibit and Video Presentation
On view are the permanent exhibit and the video presentation The Island Acadians: The Story of a People and six major paintings by Claude Picard depicting the adoption of the Acadian national symbols between 1881 and 2001.

The genealogy centre offers researchers an opportunity to trace Acadian family roots. All exhibits, the video presentation and the other services are available in French and English.

Search over 30,000 index cards of baptisms, marriages and burials of the Acadians of Prince Edward Island.Consult numerous family files, indexes, books, documents and photos. Experienced staff on hand will guide you through the labyrinth of Acadian genealogy.

Heritage Trail
Discover Acadian and local history on this pleasant stroll outside.

The Heritage Trail includes ten interpretive panels on these historical themes:

  1. The Louisbourg Cannon
  2. The Foundation of Miscouche
  3. The Acadians of Malpeque Bay
  4. Saint-Joseph’s Convent and the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre-Dame
  5. The National Acadian Convention of 1884
  6. Saint John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church
  7. The Economy
  8. The Evolution of the Village of Miscouche
  9. The Miscouche Band
  10. The Presbytery

The Trail also includes a millstone, a World War Memorial Monument, a plaque commemorating the first ten Acadian National Conventions (1881-1937) and memorial stones inscribed with 44 Island Acadian pioneer family names.

Browse in the gift shop for Acadian books, music, flags, pins, and a wide variety of other souvenirs.

Tel:(902) 368-6600 www.peimuseum.com EMail : mhpei@gov.pe.ca