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Ontario's Aggregate Resources

picture of a quarry operation

Photo courtesy: Nelson Aggregate Company

What are Aggregates?

Aggregate resources include any combination of sand, gravel, or crushed stone in a natural or processed state. Aggregates are used in the construction of highways, dams and airports, as well as residential, industrial and institutional buildings.

Aggregates are critical ingredients in a number of manufactured products such as glass (silica sand), coated paper, paint and pharmaceuticals (calcium carbonate). Aggregates are a component in a number of manufacturing processes including the processing of steel and aluminium, and plastic.  Did you know that aggregates are also found in Fertilizer, floor coverings and even toothpaste?

In 2006, there were 2787 licensed aggregate sites on private land in Ontario. In addition, there were 3453 aggregate permits issued on crown land. Over 50% of the aggregates produced in Ontario are used by public authorities for the construction and maintenance of the public infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

Approximately 85% of total aggregate production takes place in southern Ontario where the demand for aggregates and aggregate-derived products is the highest. The cost of transportation is estimated to be approximately 60% of the total cost of aggregate. Therefore, the economic value of an aggregate deposit is based not only on the quantity and quality of the deposit, but also how close the deposit is to its final destination. Extracting aggregate resources close to where they are being utilized can also be considered the most environmentally sensitive alternative.  Trucking resources long distances increases greenhouse gas emissions, which is one of the top environmental concerns in the world today.

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is responsible for the management of aggregate resources in the province. MNR’s planning mandate is to protect mineral aggregate resources and ensure the continued availability of these resources as close to markets as possible.

Learn More About:

Economic and Social Importance of Aggregates
Environmental Uses of Aggregates



The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) encourages the reduction, reuse, and recycling of aggregate materials.

Find out more about aggregate resource conservation...


Modified January 15, 2008
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2008